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 Nov 2018 alex
"its a wild life"
 Nov 2018 alex
i find myself now, only
with less and less
to say.

but more and more
to do and i will
put it off and let it
weigh heavy on whats
left of these shoulders.
 Sep 2018 alex
Nat Lipstadt
if I got a poem out of every message I receive...ha!...I do...

quite a bit upon to chew,
but a request from her,
to please ignore her weirdness,
too juicy to pass unnoticed,
because it goes to the heart of the mad matter

'tis that weirdness that I do so cherish,
fully reflected in my own poem-children,
my multiple identities, that the FBI is yet tracking

give me your weirdness, yearning to be free,
so my poems can be inscribed upon a crown

and daughter adopted dear,
that one crown,
thy name,
thy madness upon it etched,
modified to rest
upon thy temples

for Ali
 Sep 2018 alex
who ever gave a knife
to these drunks?
they stumble around the
living room. Charlotte almost
breaks a painting.

i still hear the drums
through the door. and the
occasional scream.
whatever gene that is,
it skipped me. i am instead
burdened with dependence.
it is in my blood to
lean on drink like it might
save me.

that blue is no fun
for a boy. there is no
serenity just suffering and
following along with
the family business.

my room is a mess
yet i stumble so sweetly
into the arms of prophecy. it has been
calling my name like a lost dog.

but id much rather **** the
party than myself.
 Sep 2018 alex
a m a n d a
the women are always
so silly and
c o n f u s e d!

can't you see that?
don't you see that is the problem?

listen to h e r.
l i s t e n to her.
listen t o her.

if you aren't listening to her,
you aren't listening to me.
 Sep 2018 alex
blushing prince
 Sep 2018 alex
blushing prince
there is a wasteland
the abdomen of a swollen sea watching precariously as i bite into bits of dark chocolate and don't stop until the entire package is on the floor like a drunken dancer or a torn best friend
a candor that i sold auspiciously for a pair of high heels that i never wear, they just sit in my closet waiting for dirt to be pushed into the canvas of it's sole
i'll only wear them indoors when it's raining and i can hear the synchronizing of the drops on the roof top with each step i take onto the hard-wood floor -tap tap tap tap
i'll do this until the sincerity is gone from the momentum
eventually next summer they'll be forgotten in a cardboard box that has "free" written with a red sharpie and perhaps it's next owner will be forgiving, will take the loneliness of the esoteric feeling of wanting to be worn and introduce them to the vinyl floors of a cheap club or the cold linoleum floors of an expensive resort hotel
i'd like for things that I've known to have a continued story even after it's out of mine, and they do

there is a wasteland
a woman that constantly licks her lips because they're dry but they're only dry because of the constant moisture forced upon them
the reduction of catch-22 as if the joke doesn't fall smack into your clothes
trying to find something underneath the bra strap, past the skin
but you can never get through, can you?
she pulls your hand away and you're left feeling rudimentary
lacking, like the lackadaisical manner in which the lights never hit you the way you wish it did
a poem about the quick processing of restlessness
 Sep 2018 alex
i should just jump
into this ocean.
might finally give
meat to my wolves.

i sit on some rocks and
see a skyline
thats not for me.

none of this is for me
i am for no things.
i am the ether you see,
the gaps between buildings.
the drifter.
the dreamer.
the TKO.

if i die on these rocks
youd remember.
but thats about it.
youll say i was nice
at the party.
maybe stop by
the wake.

youll say that
i could warm the cold.
but i am cold air
its not as strong as you think.
 Sep 2018 alex
a m a n d a
you know how they always say things, like:
what goes around comes around
karma, *****!
/good things come to those who wait/ ?

well, unfortunately
i'm here to report
that sometimes,
you just get colon cancer instead.
 Aug 2018 alex
it was an orangey-red kinda scheme in the sky
that evening
that evening that
“changed our lives for the better”
which was subjective.

you told me you didn’t cheat
but you found somebody else
that needed love and care
and more perspective in life,
one that shouldn’t be tied down..

needed to get out there and discover..

and it was you.

you found yourself and you lost me
 Aug 2018 alex
 Aug 2018 alex
the pink and red
in his cheeks
made me fall in love
each and every

over and over
pink hearts
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