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I think of you often
in unfinished sentences
and half written lines
because you give me a feeling
I'd almost forgotten
with words I cannot define
All I want
Is to be yours

All I need
Is for you to want me
To be yours
Stay a little while with me
And let your lips redraw my contours
Like the greatest cartographer
Working at his craft

Stay a little while with me
And let my hands retrace your bruises
As if to wish away the wrong done
To your beautiful skin

Stay a little while with me
And swear on stars alone
That when daybreaks comes
You won't disappear with the transitory moon

Stay a little while with me
And stay a little while longer?
She used to be a poet
always with a notebook and pen
the words slipped away from her though
she wasn't sure how, or when!

She used to sit alone
enjoying the freedom in her mind
but the pen no longer writes
the notebook,  just a blanket of white.

She used to pour her heart out
blood oozing across even lines
Her soul laid out bare
no need to hide behind a disguise

She used to think it would last forever
day after day,  line after line.
Is it just a sweet fantasy
or have the words run out of time.
I would paint
the whole world
your favourite colour
One moment
I was in your life
- in every single
and cranny,
trying to
smooth out
your broken edges
the same way
you smoothed out
But that was only
for a moment,
and the next
I was gone.

You cleared me out,
got a paint job and
fresh wallpaper,
stripping me of
and leaving me
naked and
alone and

Don't you care?
Don't you care that
I had made a happy
in your heart
even though I'd
only just moved in
and the previous
resident had
left their mark?

I don't know what to
say other than
god ******,
I've got space for you,
the keys in the lock and
you don't even need to knock
I'll be waiting.

So please,
please make room for me
because I've never felt
so beautiful as when
you took the word and
translated it into
a hundred thousand
gestures and
and precious memories.

My wallpaper's
torn right through
but I can stick it back
if only you give me the

You don't have to
keep on living in
broken homes.

So just let me
try and fix the
one we made.
Not my best but oh well
My heart can not lie and say your are the one.
But I can not seem to remember how I got to loving you.

So can we please start over ?

Can you romance me all over again so I can feel the moment I fell in love with you ?
Can you write me poems again so I remember the feeling of losing my breath at the emotions they brought ?
Will you whisper those sweet words that held together the shattering glass I had become and through their utterance I could feel your heart ?
Can those long late night conversations and phone calls come to life again ? Cause I miss the smile I held while falling asleep and the sense of hope and love you brought to my world of loneliness.

Don't misintepret me when I say it all seems to be a distant memory.
What I feel is real but
A point came in my life where detachment became a way to cope.
Even in loving you I was not really there.

Perhaps I was running away from the constant pang of unworthiness that my heart beat had become ? The skeletons which kept me up at night ?
Or just the mere fear of finding something so real because I tends to "exude the illusions of perfect, yet I fail to commit. I seem to ruin anything good going for me".

But give me a chance.
Can we start over cause my heart says you're the one.
Be mine perhaps ?
It's very difficult to feel loved by someone
you had to beg to stay.
The sun will remember that your heart needs to feel it's rays upon it
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