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I want to run away with you,
and leave all this behind.
Can you imagine us together,
all the adventures we would find?

We could travel the world over
or find our spot and settle down
Somewhere by a lake
thats not too close to town.

We would live and love together
eat off the land and from the lake
Being careful to be careful
and never too much take

We would sit at night and write
under blankets on the swing
Talk forever to each other
til we knew everything

In the summer we'd go swimming
skinny dipping in the lake
And lie naked on the rocks to dry
the summer sun our bones to bake

In fall we would cut firewood
then split and stack the logs
go for long walks in the forest
you and me and all the dogs

Come winter time we'd hibernate
heating soup over the fire
make love upon the hearth rug
flames and passion rising higher

Then finally in spring time
as the ice begins to thaw
we would celebrate our life
and then do it all once more

And our poetry would tell of this
of our perfect little life
A life outside the rat race
free of pressure and of strife

I want to run away with you,
think of all the things we'll see
Can you imagine us together,
will you run away with me?
I think our eyes play tricks on us.
Am I really seeing her with bruises?
Am I really seeing that man sleeping on the street?
Am I really seeing her arms marked like tally marks on a test?
I think our eyes play tricks on us.
Or am really hearing silence in the family home that should be filled with laughter.
Or am I really seeing the kid at school wearing the same things over & over?
I don't think our eyes play tricks on us.
I think our eyes see the truth of our world.
im sorry i didn't answer my phone
that night. i told you "i'll only be a hour,
i promise,"
but you didn't inform me that you were leaving too. twenty missed calls. one text.
"i can't do this anymore, please
pick up, what do i do?"

im sorry i got mad at you that one day, screamed, left, and cried. you always told me i was too emotional and to toughen up inside. you said you'd always be by my side, although i think you failed to define always, and mention, that soon, you'd be saying goodbye.
im sorry i wasn't as bubbly as you on the days you smiled with your teeth. the days you got confident and decided you were free. the days you came and tugged my hand, got this idea, like school was something we could afford to flee.
im sorry that when i questioned
you about the cuts and bruises, i allowed you to tell me "it's nothing, don't worry about it, i'm fine."
im sorry when your mom left
you home that night, you looked
but didn't find. you said you called exactly after an hour, but i wasn't anywhere around.
im sorry they teased and picked on you, called you names, pulled your hair, and kicked you down.
im sorry, i swear i ran as fast as i could after i was done. my mile takes me ten, maybe fifteen minutes, at least.
im sorry i got there too late and understood all your pain after you put it in ink.

im sorry... im so sorry... im right
here, you see? can we talk about this? rethink it?
just please, promise you'll visit me tonight while i sleep.
suicide is something that has a great impact on my heart and something i feel very seriously about. this is in honor of anyone who has dealt with a loss or experienced suicidal thoughts.
That's all I have been doing
For what?
I don't really know
Maybe it's a girl
Probably the girl of my dreams
Dreams if written
Could take your last breath away

But of what use is this wait?
She is taken...
Forever out of my grasp
But yet
What I do is that I keep
For what?
I don't really know
Here I lay
On my bed
My fortress of sweet solitude
Absent from reality
To insinuate myself into a dream
To make up for the comfort I am deprived of
The blank darkness equally pleasant
Just to attain this moment of positivity
All possible
When I lay here on my bed
 Sep 2014 Kaitlynn Williams
 Sep 2014 Kaitlynn Williams
my heart &
my mind
are in some place
my body
is **not

— The End —