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K Balachandran Mar 2017
A banded garden spider,
an ace sky diver,
                           on a
                     lighted spot,
                    shaped like
                           an egg.
Editor's pick..Poetry circle    May 15, 2014
K Balachandran Mar 2017
From the moment my eyes riveted on you, my painted stork,
I haven't ever seen you separated from your mixed age flock.

I tried every trick in my book as best I could, to lure you,
To have a word in private, but you never seemed to get the cue.
All I could tell you at your earshot was this "Beware, impending
Drought would be severe, fly down alone, in the pond I keep full"

But you still loves to hang out on the trees near the drying  stream,
Though you fly around my fecund pond to survey once in a while.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
War of the words from the very word "GO"
was the warming up exercise for more malice,
makes the galleries erupt in rage, cry for more
But the folks that adore  peace is outraged
every jab finds it's mark, squarely on the jaw
making profuse bleeding another spectacle
we reinvent this business  as a blood sport!

Even a  dog eat dog madness grips the arena quick
each vicious animal bares it's fangs, for long in disuse,
get ready to be paid in return,in what you gave first
Raise the war cry aloud,  boys the game is on,
no going back any more, it's fight to ****

Every bit of the act is blown out of proportion,
by the heartless lot of blue eyed boys with lenses.
It pays to narrate  stroke by stroke,pouring oil
into the roaring fire, let it rage the longest period,

Merely the tip of an ice berg, all this you've now  seen
hidden with in the barbed diatribes is lethal  power,
things they hope would get heated too soon,
and would become a full blown "COLD WAR"

It's the post truth world of puzzles and games,
every such story ends in  a tragic twist at the end.
for us it'snot,we need a twist to make us smile.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
To comfort me the rain hums a tune
as if she could sense I was feeling down
I get buoyant by the soothing tone,
pick up the strands that once were broken

Drenched woods after the rain has gone,
with the wind,repeat it, but sounds like a moan,
it takes  much subtlety, to empathize, I learn
to evoke sublime feelings that touch and lift the soul.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
She was intrigued
by a nameless feeling
time and again.
She had a vague guess
of becoming a pawn
in a mysterious game.
Who could say why she,
or what it all boils down to-

she would wonder
in silence often.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
All aglow we were
from the smoldering
ember of love within.
Each felt the warmth
loving hearts exude
when we all were
in an extended embrace.
Then we heard love
singing to us sans words
"None of you would
feel complete
without the others
in this web of love
K Balachandran Feb 2017
Alone it sits there,

intensely brooding
on how this evening
would turn out to be;
an elegant, gleaming
thirsting, ****** wine glass
without a drop of wine.
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