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Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
I guess the only way to describe it is that it feels like someone is climbing from the edge of your stomach, up your throat, trying to reach you lips.
Every thought you have ever thought about heads straight for
your gut, and tries to make its point understandable to others.
Sometimes the climber stumbles, causing rocks to fall back down, and leaving an terrible feeling in the lining.
Sometimes even he falls, and he burns in the acid of your uneasy abdomen.
But sooner or later, that climber will reach the top, and when he does, there's a certain spontaneity that falls over everyone.

just overcome what seems predictable, and make it yours. make  it unique; speak up.
Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
the perfect ideal body image is no where near what I look like. I haven’t really met any guy yet who has referred to my body as beautiful, and you know that’s ok. even though dimples run around my thighs, even though I am marked with lines of strain and streams of growth, it’s ok. I am trying to convince myself that this body I am living in is a beautiful temple; one not to be hated or tortured. a temple to be carefully treated with love and grace. I am trying to convince myself that maybe he fell for what stood out the most. not my body or my outer skin of health, but me, myself, and I. what I stand for, who I care for, how I speak and approach, the way I laugh at a pointless joke that was told an hour before, how I choose pineapples over peaches, or maybe even how I choose simple small talk over a high energy activity. maybe to someone, my body is just perfect, because the other components mean so much more than what is bluntly visible.

Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
Picture this.
two dainty soles tip toeing down
an escalade of stares from the people
who built up your only soul you hold within.

Trying to
escape an escape
that truly never was  what it was sought out to be.

The pieces of temptation
slowly break grasp on your beautiful quintessence.
You are sewn together with bright rays of grace, and everyday
you take a step for yourself.

You shine exactly like you were born to, and oh my dear...*
even the sun is smitten at the sight of your grace..

Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
You were, you are, you always will be my chimerical vision.
For a while, I had always thought things should be tacenda, but then I realized how stupid of a thought that was. I mean you came into my life and became my dépayśe. I was completely taken out of my comfort zone and put in some place unknown; some place near you, yet so far away. I have this wish where you and I find the light together, but I think I  always knew it was a velleity. You're so soigné, and I'm just homely. When I close my eyes, I picture that first mamilapinatapai and wonder why I couldn't have just spoken up. I've become a mad man over this serendipity which lasted a short time only to last forever. It was just a halcyon, those few moments we awed over, and I was just to sick with evasion to ever light a spark. Now, all I can do it drown in this chimerical vision alone.

Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
It's so cold out.
The wind blows like a kiss from the North.
All of the leaves are already dead now, along with my only hope for joy.
The kids rush along the sidewalks, bundled up in coats and what not.
Skin becomes dry and achy;
a relation forms between the layers of derma and a dehydrated human in the Sahara.
Both reach for something that's not there.
Survival is only attainable with certain steps and choices.
One mistake, and you're sure to end up lost.
Rain begins to fall more frequently now, and I can't help but fall in sync with every drop as I feel the ones beneath my cheeks.
It's Winter, and I've given up.


— The End —