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 Nov 2017 joel hansen
I am in love with you,
I want so badly to need somebody,
To be the somebody that they need.
To commit my whole heart to them,
and for them to commit their whole heart to me.
Too often do I love the idea of a person,
Rather than seeing them for who they really are.
Love intoxicates and skews my vision.
And it tears my heart apart.

Oh, I am indeed in love.
Not with him and not with her,
But with an idea.
The idea of loving someone who is deserving of my heart.
The idea of loving so fiercely that our spark will never dwindle
I am in love with you,
Too many times do I find myself thinking I'm "in love" with a person when in reality I am in love with just the idea of loving someone. The constant ache for anyone to fill the hole that you feel inside, to seal the cracks in your faltering self worth.
 Nov 2017 joel hansen
Sam Lylin
I’m sorry I gave up on you
I’m sorry that I needed to
I’m sorry that I left your side
I’m sorry that you always lied

I never should have trusted you
You always seemed so good, so true
I shouldn’t have believed your lies
I should have seen through your disguise

Gradually, you took my heart
Turned my mind to abstract art
Told me how you loved me so
Then stood up to pack and go

Three words I never should have said
That let you straight into my head
I said I love you
I meant I love you
You knew I loved you

Three more words are on my lips
Words I know will never fix
Anything you put me through
Even if you miss me too

I miss you
Or maybe I don’t miss you
I just miss the person I thought you were

Now I don’t know who to trust
‘Cause all we were has turned to dust
I have said
I’m sorry
So many
So many different
That once upon a time my mouth forgot how to make other shapes
And I’ve had to work on rebuilding
Brick by brick
So many times that I fear this red clay
Will never leave my nails
And I promised that I would better at
So that I could break the windows of this home before anyone else had a chance to even pick up a stone
Once upon a time I made my resolution
Under the fireworks
And god, I’m
T r y i n g
And other people aren’t homes
But this space is so much more comfortable
With a few other souls.
I don’t mean to run,
But sometimes I just have to go.
Have a cup of coffee with me sometime,
Don’t forget your jacket,
I miss you,
This made me think of you,
Remember that time we danced in the rain?
I’ll see you soon,

And if you didn’t hear me say it earlier,
love you.
There’s a million ways to say one thing.
Why did I get this trait
To forgive so easily, never to hate
You can walk all over me
Stab me in the back
I will get angry and pull away
But I’ll always forgive and come running back
I can’t stay angry or upset with people
Which I guess is a good thing in the long run
           In the end
It makes you look like a weak person
Even though you are a
Human being for allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable
Keeping your heart open and filled with love for all you are surrounded by in you life
i want to live
that's a lie
i want to die
it doesn't matter
the pain i feel
has become too real
the brightness in my life
has quickly gone away
the darkness
overcame me
the love in my life
slipped through my fingers
the sadness
took over
the light
 Nov 2017 joel hansen
 Nov 2017 joel hansen
Hold my hand
sit near me
let me sink into your lap
just please don't leave me alone with my thoughts
or lack thereof

You see,
if you leave.
my head will not scatter into a million deadly shards
it will do quite the opposite
it will collapse

whatever you do, don't leave me,
not now.
you see if you leave
I lose my sanity
I lose my restraint

the second you turn your head and walk out that door
my eyes will well
my heart  will lose its rhythm
My hands  will shake
and my breath won't be able to claw its way up my throat anymore.

You don't have to say anything
you don't have to do anything
just please don't leave
I'm scared of what happens when you leave --
please don't leave...
 Nov 2017 joel hansen
Anne Molony
he wasn't
what I expected
him to be  

he kept his hair short and messy,
wore funny clothes and enjoyed
comic books, Daft Punk and
of all things
and bless,
he thought his earrings
made him seem tough

In the end, it was
his confidence
that won me over
his smiley eyes
so seamlessly dissolved
my doubts and skepticism
and took with
my heart

the kisses he'd plant on my forehead would
drag me into
his silly world where
wonderfully weird hats were worn seriously  
and music played on our
candy-coloured 2000s cd player
while we read together
on the couch

he offered to massage
my feet and I blushed and thought
that I was falling for him and
he laughed and pulled me
close into his chest
while I wept with joy
for I'd found  
I miss you
 Oct 2017 joel hansen
I am the cracked leather couch
That was left in the yard.
My arms have been torn
By the temperamental cat
You rescued from the shelter
I bleed white puffs on the side of the house
Where no one can see

I am the old charcoal grill
With the rusty red lid
You bought for
The fourth of July and used once
Caked in black grease and white ash
I sit in the gutter
With a sign that says “free”

I am the ‘78 Ford Bronco
That was stripped down for parts
On blocks in the junkyard
Where a doberman uses
The passenger seat to daydream
About her brothers and sisters
She doesn’t remember

I am everything you’ve always wanted
At one point in time
But I’m afraid my time is up
I am now the *****, the “yesterday”, the proverbial scoff
With a neon-pink sticker
“50% off!”
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