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  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
I find it intriguing
How thru life we progress
And then, need to measure it
With some sort of success

We all value our lives, differently
Some by riches, some by fame
Yet others, by how well
They kept their good name

But those values mean nothing
If we can’t this attain
Love and respect from our peers
And not, their disdain
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
brandon nagley
Dancing in the peaceful shade
Of eternal life;
The vitality resides inside the soul
The home I calleth mine wife.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication-Filipino rose
©Lonesome poet's poetry
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Earl Jane

My love and all,

God's angel,
My refuge and comfort,

You're the home that keeps me safe,
The one who stays beside me,
Even in times of storms, you fight them with me valorously.

My bestfriend, my peace, my forever,
Life is so resplendent and sublime when you came,
Excruciation seems so easy to surmount,
For you are there with me , our love shields us from harm.

You are the firefly that visited me in my dark prison,
You’ve illumined me with your shimmering being,
An angel that wrap me with pure white robe,
You’ve enclosed me dearly,
My countenance gleam as I felt your love burning me from the inside.

Yes, I will wait my lover,
Years and years plus forever and eternity,
Even in the second life,
In the gates of heaven, in that heavenly realm,
I will wait and hold you tight forevermore,
Nothing and no one will ever take us apart,

You're the one I only love,
The one whom I will keep dearly in my heart infinitely,
The one whom I'll risk all just to keep you secure and joyous,
The one whom I will grow old with,
The one whom I will spend everlasting with,
And I love you infinity + forever,
‘Cause you are the one preordained for me, my soulmate and king.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i am really so sorry, this one is really super ******, my goodness~!!!!!!!!!!!!

i still wanna add more to that ****** one , LOOLLLL, but my head just aches a lot, can't really take it, ..

  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
You have this smile. This smile that always sits on your full lips. Yet when the presence of an other soul disappears so does that smile. People say that your eyes gleam with something special, but I can see the thin layer of tears that create the illusion of joy. You always stand so straight but I know you crumble to the floor when you're alone. I know you sit on that rooftop wishing someone was there to hold you.Yet only the wind is there to wrap itself around you.  Theres no one. No one will ever love you. No one will ever care for you the way you dream of.  I can hear those awful words that you let float through your ears. I'm here. No where you can see, but I'm here.
I only wish this were true...
If my principles
It has to be
Never before me.
She's the greatest woman I know,
She's beautiful,
Her brains are incredible,
She works so hard,
Sometimes I feel she does way too much for me,
Oh she can pray!bet she's always on guard,
She's taught me how to not just look but see,
She's strong at heart,
Determined,full of faith and most loving,
Having her has nothing to do with luck,
I'm really blessed and highly favoured for having her,
She's my fathers life companion,
I call her mummy
I love her so dearly.
Parents are special.
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