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  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
brandon nagley

What occupies thy soul and being? Worldly knowledge, book's, gold, material thing's; Diamond's, jewelry, ring's, automobile's, weapon's that ****, Poison's that we put into ourn spiritual bodies.


Where is thy heart? Into plastic, stuck in a casket, pulling apart?
Art thou striving to a life of just surviving, or actually living life;
What cometh first? God, family, friend's, or earthly trend's?


Whom doth thou serve? The thought's of the devil? The grave and the shovel? Art thou on another level? Or dying to get rich; Living as a slave? Choked in a cave? Giving all, as all the lord gaveth thee.


What doth thou fearest? Mankind? With bomb's that shineth, and gun's to smoketh? Or thy creator whom hold's the key to life and death, art thou like all the rest laying thy treasure on men's step's? Or in Jehovah's kingdom? The great architect's ringing the doorbell at thy being; ding ****...... Ding ****... Ring. Ring!!!!

Wilt thou let him in?
Or serve the world and men?

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21 king James bible
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Mysterious Aries
I befriend the antonyms of the light
Now the face of the night won't let me go
No matter what I do, even with all my might
So have no choice but to dance with the flow

I am a man who ate the forbidden apples
Indeed the wisdom of the dark was among the highest
Definitely a door to the unknown, until I am longing for riffles
Because I can take the lies of reality no more, such lunacies

Life was supposed to be a thankful journey
A sweet dance from hello's to farewell
Lucky are those who've found serenity
Who hasn't heard the music of hell

I've been too far, my clock is ticking in a cycle of forever
I need a reformat not just a simple reboot
Do not save any good files, that's not so clever
All parts of me was already been infected even to the root

I befriend the antonyms of the light
Now the face of the night won't let me go
No matter what I do, even with all my might
So have no choice but to dance with the flow...

Written: March 4, 2015 @11:00am

Mysterious Aries
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Lipok Jamir
Daily life was such a bore,
Couldn’t get any more worst.
The events of life, all a blur,
Will this get any better?

I prayed to God to find an answer,
Hopping one day I’ll break this chain
Sweet chance, A friend walks in
That led my steps abroad.

Lord, how rich the times are now,
I praise and thank you for this.
Now must I thank ye friend,
For I see joy in thine presence.

The friendship you have given me,
The joy you brought to my soul,
Has filled me with strength
And made my world clear again.

Now life has changed.
The events of life all clear again
And much better the times are now
And I thank you very much.

In you I put my trust
And I will always have faith.
By your side I will always stand,
And be the ride you always want.

The moment we met,
We were caught in a friendship net.
And indeed a perfect set.
A gift from above I get.

Our friendship will never end,
I promise to you my friend
The events of life all clear again
I thank you very much once again.
This poem is dedicated to my friends who supported me and helped me choose my path right,who came in to my life and changed everything, who saved my life from a huge mess.....
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
Floods of revival , Lord, let them fall;
Streams  of  salvation reaching to all;
Pour out Thy Spirit , great is our need;
Sweep o'er our beings, now while we plead.

Spirit Divine , O quicken us now,
While in Thy presence , humbly  we  bow;
Set  all  our  hearts ablaze with Thy love
Teach as the  secret of life from above.

Utterly yielded , longing to know
All  the blest fulness love can bestow,
Ready and willing , eager to give;
Perfect  obedience , bravely to live.

Raise up a people , holy and free;
Heart with a vision like unto Thee;
Souls that would rather die than give in --
Lives with a passion, victory to win.

O for a deluge - Holy Ghost power;
Lord we are waiting ,send it this hour
Open the windows of heaven we pray;
All  on the altar gladly we lay.
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Dhaye Margaux
This is the day, the time to start your life
A happy one, away from all the strife
No more conflict or hatred as you go
That's life, be real, it might go high or low
Start this day with change that you dream of
You can achieve the things that you don't have
When you start doing the things you never did
A change in life means a change in self's a need
This is the day, another chance to see
How beautiful this life if we are free
Forget the sadness, we start to walk our way
Joy is a choice so choose to make your day!

Happiness is a choice.
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
If I could stoke every single flame in the
     fiery blaze that is your heart
          To ashes are the
               kindling that I so willingly volunteer

If I could be the strength
     round the girth of your trunk
          Formidable am I made to last
               year after year

If I could exist in the
     tales of your breaths
          Perpetual am I etched in the
               eternity of your forever
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