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 Dec 2014 Jake
Zoe Principe
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zoe Principe
you're different.
for some unknown reason.
when i see you
i just get this sudden urge to
joke around with you
sing duets with you
or simply just talk.
there's just something about you
that drives me to feel things
i've never felt before.
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
You Haunt me
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
You haunt me
at the beginning of every day
and the end of every night
You haunt me
like a persistent memory
that never seems to fade
You haunt me
because you were my
lady in white
If time can't heal us the whisky will
Stuck between being numb and learning how to feel
After all was said and done, you fed me to the dogs
Now every time I try with someone new I feel at a loss
Drifting without a cause
If I could only press pause
Or rewind to see where this **** went wrong
Tracing back my steps to where I found you
What's ****** is I dont even remember..
But I recall exactly when you left
The sunshine turned to rain and I've been drowning in it since
What's left?
Nothing with any substance
Empty bottles and getting high is my only constant
Life is
More than I recall last time I checked
Less pillow talk this time around, my heads a ******* wreck
With the inability to change
I shouldn't expect anything better
Been coasting on this road too long
Just following the weather
With guilt being the glue that hold these bones together
My favorite lie you told me was that you'd be here forever
Complicated, tedious
Needs more tending to than your garden
Passionate but with lesson
Always watching but never does the work
Sacrifice instilled in its veins
It bleeds with every lie
Felt by most but not understood by many
Our greatest time sake and for most, just a memory
We give ourselves to the wolves in hopes we find it
When in all reality
Its likely already in front of us
 Nov 2014 Jake
 Nov 2014 Jake
my heart
belongs to someone
who is not even sure
of how they feel
within their own
 Nov 2014 Jake
a case of ethics
 Nov 2014 Jake
if i drowned
in my own tears,
would it be
because they were mine,
because you caused them?
 Oct 2014 Jake
 Oct 2014 Jake
This is the last time I’ll see you,
the last chance to tell
just what it is about you,
that’s captured me so well.

I came so close to saying,
I came so close, you know.
How I wish you were staying,
but perhaps it’s best you go.

Maybe I’ll move on now,
now that you are gone.
I’d say I’ll forget somehow,
but we both know I’d be wrong.

They say first love never dies,
how am I to know?
Love- a word that never applies,
emotions that never show.

I said I don’t believe in love,
it’s simply not for me.
But then push came to shove,
and suddenly I could see.

You’re the perfect one for me,
but, alas, I’ve let you go.
To point out the things that we could be
is the lowest of the low.

Love is still shrouded in doubt,
at least for me, for now.
But so close to learning what it’s about,
you slipped away somehow.

This is goodbye, I’m moving on,
I hope you’ll understand.
I’d like to think that with you gone,
I’ll return from this dreamland.

This is goodbye, this is farewell,
it’s been fun indeed.
I hope you’ll return with stories to tell,
Something tells me you’ll succeed.
A poem I wrote a little while ago which is, unfortunately, still relevant.
I smelled your shirt tonight
        Remember the one you took off before you left and tossed at me?
Said I could keep it for a memory.
                 It was an accident,
         I didn't want to smell it,
     It reminded me of the night before you left,
        We stayed up talking half the night about you leaving,
       being sad but anxious and happy too
         I just
Watched you sleep, wondered about your dreams
             I didn't sleep that night
        Stayed up all night and cried
               I knew I was gonna miss you
                  And it was gonna hurt so bad
                        To watch you go
But when I just smelled your shirt
            It didn't make me sad

It was just another memory
Of the mistakes I've made and learned from
                      it all

I guess I just wanted you to know
      That even if you don't want it,

I'm gonna wash that shirt
And *stop thinking about you.
Never Forget
           The Girl Who Loved You

— The End —