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Today I unpacked.
I unzipped the memories
And let them ease past
The edges of the suitcase.
I picked them up
Shook them out
Cradled them close
And took a carnal sniff
Of the rough cedar scent
Of heaven
And opportunities lived to the full.

Today I glow
With my secrets
Flickering like tea candles
In a dimly lit jazz bar

He lingers there
In the soft sultry light
And not there
The ghost of a person
Swaying to the music
And staring into my soul:
Too spectacular to be real.
He is the road less traveled
Winding and twisting his way through my head
So I can’t find where the stories begin
And he ends

I try to explain
But stories are shooting stars
Staring out bright and trailing off
As I realize I live in the present
While his memories spark and fizzle like pop rocks
Punching my taste buds with a shock of sweet.

He is:
A quest for a perfect seat in the coffee shop
Holding hands in a small theater
Stolen kisses on the sidewalk
Dances without music
A skyline in sunset
And a tearful goodbye
As I got on the train.

I said I was fine.

I lied.

Desperately holding myself together
I dragged my bag
Through a maze of stations
Past the cautious scrutiny of uniforms
And onto the sterility of the plane
Thank God for windows:
Loss is staring out them.
Leaving him behind
Pretending you’re not dying
As your seatmate politely ignores your sobs
For James
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
Colleen Mary
"look at the lid of your cup, there's SO much lipstick on there." You pointed this out a few times to me. What did I do? Sat there embarrassed each time and tried to sheepishly rub the red substance off. It was small things like this, feeling like I somehow let you down-that scared me the most. Little did I know, I had way more to fear. Man, were you good at wiping things off as if they never existed. I should have just handed you my coffee cups and let you wipe off the stains because you are great at hiding the evidence of anything existing at all. My heart aches at the thought of you detoxing your body from my kisses. You wiped away the feeling of my head on your chest, my lips on yours, & the happiness you felt when I called you my babe. And now November has came and gone and I'm still stuck in October with you before you destructed us. "This doesn't have to be for good and I don't even want it to be for good." It's as though everything, your words, your promises, your dignity, have been stolen from you. You gave me the chance to run yet tried holding on to me to ultimately decide you wanted her, not me. WHAT DID I DO WRONG? I'm so tired of thinking it's me but the irritation and bitterness I feel is sickening. Now December has arrived and you're so far gone it frightens me.
You were supposed to stick around.
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
SG Rose
I feel like song lyrics could write our story;
Three words forming the world’s shortest synopsis-

*You should’ve stayed.
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I forbid you not to say a thing,
Because every piece of your character
Comes right out,
Not showing affection to you would be a crime,
In my dispute,
Although we have several,
But if I get drunk,
And if you get drunk
With our halos over our heads,
We will live in great peril,
And when you cry,
I don't know what to do at times,
I just thought maybe if you'd soon realize,
That some people need forgiving,
Even for their Sanities,
And themselves,
To keep on living,
Don't say a thing,
Cause your silence is ever so divine,
I could make a poem with it,
Take it a step further,
And share all your dark secrets,
More like your nectar,
I need it more than the bees do,
To get my creative juices flowing,
Just enough to please you.
Don't cry
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
Lindsay Thomas
If you’re willing to risk it,
You must value it.
If you’re willing to hate it,
You must love it.
If you’re willing to see it,
You must feel it.
If you’re willing to feel it,
You must be it.
Be the rings within a tree,
Feel the bark and the falling leaves.
You must risk it all to value life,
You must hate what once brought you light.
Because when you love, you risk it.
When you risk it, you lose it.
When you lose it, you hate it,
And when you hate it, you feel it,

Hate is stronger than love,
So strong you can see it.
Hate looks like magma,
Ready to erupt, ready to ****.
Hate is the lightning that strikes the tree;
The ashes left after a storm.
Hate is a fire that wipes out a forest,
And leaves the landscape bare and broken.
But when you look at where it once was,
The forest, once so alive, now just a crust.
You realize that it’s not a new place,
But just a place without its trees.
When you sit back and you think
About what you’ve loved, lost, hated…
You realize that you never truly feel hate,
Just the absence of love. lmt
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
How do I unlove you?
How do I tell myself to stop imagining a future with you?
How do I make myself see reason and not cling to the ghost of a former you?
Tell me now.
I beg you.
I want to know.
I need to know.
So I can finally let these feelings go.
 Dec 2015 JR Potts
Shawn H Reeder
I embody those relatable sound waves,
The nutrients your body always craves.
We're apart, and there's no one to blame.
It's our love that couldn't possibly be tamed.

In my twisted mind, craving the arms of another.
The universe guarantees the feeling of being smothered.
Oneself will forever be our most formidable enemy.
Stuck with my own comfort, I wither helplessly.
Cause I will always be a cheese ball.
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