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 Aug 2018 Intrépide
 Aug 2018 Intrépide
i watch her fall asleep
peaceful and beautiful
as i follow her dreams
sweet into the deep
i whisper to her ear
love that i must keep

 Jul 2018 Intrépide
She Writes
Words written
To heal the wounds
From words spoken
 Jul 2018 Intrépide
 Jul 2018 Intrépide
You can't think that you love someone
You either do or you don't
It's an all or nothing thing
Not just something that you float in between

I knew that I loved you
And you thought you loved me back
I should have taken that indecision and ran
Because love is not something you can pretend

I could have saved myself a broken heart
And listened to the intuition that said otherwise
Because love is a whole **** universe
And I'm not just a star in your galaxy
 Jul 2018 Intrépide
she gave me her nudes
she was bare
and naked
and so out
and open
and i willingly
accepted it
because it wasnt the nudes
that showed her body
the physical aspects
that made her beautiful
it was the words
she didnt choose
and the spontaneity
that left her
either from her lips
or her fingers
or ink

she was as bare
as her nudes
and i accepted
her for her.
10:02 PM 5/1/2018
"he may have been sparklers and you may have been fireworks but i was waiting for the whole **** sun."
- self love
 Jul 2018 Intrépide
I remember you skipping rocks with me on the beach
How they flew through the summer sky and sunk way down deep
And I knew from the way you were laughing at me
that this won’t turn out the way we’d wished it to be
In the end

I remember long days we had alone on the couch
with teeth stained in red wine, our worries flew out
the front door down the hallway where you first said you love me
Past first kiss and last dance and holiday plans that fell flat

And I saw your new girlfriend at the bar, she looks pretty
And sometimes I wonder how she looks in the morning
dreary eyes beg for coffee, does she remind you of me?
I guess I just get over all of it eventually

And pretend
we made it
in the end
 Jul 2018 Intrépide
My soul is a fire dancing inside of me
And I don’t want to hurt someone else
And leave their ashes in my wake
So I’m holding out for someone
Whose fire burns just as bright as mine
I’ll never forget,
How I cried
When I opened the flood gates to my heart
And you sat opposite
And laughed.
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