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 Jun 2016 Jacob
I wanted you
Like how the sun,
Wanted to shine.
It doesn't have to.
It shouldn't have to.
But it does.
For it is as inevitable,
As the sky above you,
And fated to do.
Like how I longed for you.
Like how the sea,
Longed to kiss the shore;

Again and again,
Endlessly again,
It should happen.
I love you so much, too much. I started hating myself for how much love I could give you but none to my poor, pathetic self.
 Jun 2016 Jacob
You matter
 Jun 2016 Jacob

You tell me you feel
that you no longer matter
Sunsets and moonbeams
they all seem to shatter

Dark clouds and sadness,
a heart filled with  sorrow
Lost in today
and afraid of tomorrow

Just take my hand
so I can find your smile
I know it is there
you will see in a while

Let it all go
it is time to start living
I offer friendship,
that's what I am giving

Not here to fix you,
I know that you're broken
Just here to offer
some kind words now spoken

Hoping you see
in these thoughts I do scatter
You're special to me
and you truly do matter
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Erin Halle
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Erin Halle
The echoes of our laughter,
our love,
hit me as
your eyes flicker,
shift to the side.
You don't want to leave, but you're gone.
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Erin Halle
You hijack the cells of my body
Like a virus

You've ensured that when it is
That I fight back
I am unable to.

I am left
Powerless and unmoving,
Save the ever so slight
Fluttering of eyelids.

You've turned me against myself
Trapped me in a useless mind
That cannot feel
The love he has for me
The love that would heal me
If only I could feel it.

But you've know all along what you're up against,
And you've known all along that you -
That I -
That We
Cannot win.
 Jun 2016 Jacob
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Don't just tell her that she's beautiful

Show her that she's beautiful

Make her feel beautiful
 Jun 2016 Jacob
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Such terrifying scars

Yet beautiful wrists
 Jun 2016 Jacob
 Jun 2016 Jacob
The children, so pure.
Good and Evil...
Exists in man and woman.
All can be easily persuaded.
Has to be earned.
Wanders within all, leading to...
All have been warned.

**Circle One
 Jun 2016 Jacob
 Jun 2016 Jacob
The children covet.
No longer pure.
There is a feeling.
An intimate feeling.
To grip anything breathing and just ******
the pain into oblivion.
Not love but lust.
Feelings are too much.
The children can run carelessly.
Playing with whomever is near.
Whether it's forceful or submissive.
All have been warned.

**Circle Two
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Sir Loin
 Jun 2016 Jacob
Sir Loin
I've never been the jealous type
But oh did my ears burn
Oh did the blood in my head boil out my ears
Whenever they would gaze at you with interest of lust
Whenever they would speak to you in tongues
Wise decipher
Manipulative deceiving
I was never reciprocated what I have gave
And oh did the blood in my head boil out my ears
 Jun 2016 Jacob
i'm not
 Jun 2016 Jacob
i'm not the diamond in every ring
i am not the splash in every raindrop
i am not the caffeine in your coffee

i am not the sugar in your taffy
i am not the stars in your night sky
i am no longer the sparkle behind your chocolate-coloured eyes

but i am the pain in your ensemble of distressing words
and unfortunately, i am no longer yours
@yungsad_ on twitter for poetry similar poetry.
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