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 Oct 2015 Jacob
his darkness became
tainted by my red

i burst like the sunrise
on the canvas of his skin,
raw and hot, red, red, red

i set flame to the somber
blues we'd once painted
our skin deep with.

kissing the echoes of
our past, but always
pulling away too soon.

i was too red, too vibrant.

he didn't like the taste
i left on his tongue
it was bitter like him,
it stung of the past he'd
tried to bury on my lips

my skin would ash
but he'd miss the flames.
my pulse would gallop
and intrude like
summer into his veins.
© copyright
 Aug 2015 Jacob
Luna Craft
 Aug 2015 Jacob
Luna Craft
My voice trembles
words spill over lips chaotically
I want to fix my mistakes
and I want to explain
but my trembling voice makes all seem like lies
and the shaking voice that had felt like my own
smoothed out
letting the lies flow through
without my own consent
 Jul 2015 Jacob
Justin G
If you do not
know who I am
Do not look for me

I won't be meditating far out within the
Great Mountains of Mount Meru

You won't find me
At the top of a hourglass,
Nor will I be groomed in all black

I will smell of albacore
drenched in blood
and anguish
Kissing wingless
pigeons with one eye

I will be beneath
frozen pillars
amongst phantom

If you are still oblivious to my identity
Please don't hesitate to walk away from me
I will soon be buried elsewhere
under the Sahara Desert
In a tomb made from fire & brimstone

Better yet

I will be eaten alive in a dark forest
either by wolves, or devoured by snakes
under decomposed trees left to transpose

But if you truly have forgotten
Who I am?
Pay me no mind

I will be below land
drowning in the harsh seas of iceland
I will be starved with unspeakable scars
thorned from head to toe

I will be ****** into a black hole
deep within outer space
brutally beaten by asteroids in light speed
You won't find me desperately searching or striving
You will simply live on
Without me as if my
love never existed
This is a dark counterpart to my old poem
Look For Me
 Jul 2015 Jacob
Justin G
In this world plagued in darkness
A humble Valkyrie of light emerges
Her voice echoes an unequivocal faith
She is the personification of embrace
A symbolic heart for all that is broken
A soul who keeps running her course
Where ever she leaps
Hope persistently follows
It is her grace and joy that won us all
But how she survived those battles
Is a truth only she could speak
As she generously weeps
Billions of stars from afar
Which all resemble her
Eloquent poems
In which they were born
To uplift each spirit and kept
To remain true
A tribute of appreciation to one of Hello Poetry's many greats.
 Jul 2015 Jacob
Cecil Miller
In the forest, there grows a flower
That the night loves with starlit showers.
How it blossoms near the tree beneath the moon!
Its petals are a vibrant indentation
Which, with its beauty, betokens the wilderness.

Rapacious and beguiled
Become the seekers of the bloom.
Ravenous are they for its syrupy nector,
And greedy for its savory and intoxicating effect,
Which is delusive to those who would otherwise be able to reckon.
Its glamour incites a yearning
That, not sated, becomes a burning
Which leaves a hollow place where the logic used to be,
And tangles the chords of one's emotions.

Not everything that is enticing is worth the bill of fare,
Even if it thrives freely throughout the land.
I was bored, so I decided to write. 7/16/2015
Please, do not use my work to buy, sell, trade or fundraise for this or any other sight.
 Jul 2015 Jacob
Cecil Miller
Stiletto heels and a push-up bra,
Hair piled high, bleached and toned and all…
That’s the way you used to shuffle around,
But you ain’t been much since your man went to town.

Who’s that a’ worrin’ bout them wrinkles and lines?
Is that the same broad who fell for all his lines?
Well, since he left you all you do is frown.
No, you ain’t done much since your man went to town.

You could’a picked a man who would’a cherished you
Once upon a time when love was fresh and new,
But you picked the one who was known all around.
Now,  you ain’t known much since your man went to town.


You could’a picked a man who would’a cherished you
Once upon a time when love was fresh and new,
But you picked the one who was known all around.
Now, you ain’t been much since your man went to town.

Whatcha gonna do when the rage runs high,
When the last tear falls cause the well has dried?
Whatcha gonna do when the sun goes down,
Cause you ain't slept much since your man went to town.

What’cha gotta to do to make it right
Is take your piece out of your purse, it’s a Saturday night.
What’cha gotta do is shoot him down,
‘Cause you cry too much since your man went to town.
Please, do not use me work to buy, sell, trade or findraise for this or any other site. I posted an early draft of these song lyrics and was pleased at how well recieved it was. Shortly before I put it on this site I added a stanza before the finale in the second verse, then turned it over to my music partner to work with. Then the computer my work was on crashed. I had not backed up the files. I wanted the lyrics up on hellopoetry because I had just discovered the site, so I gave you the earlier draft that I had. Earlier tonight, while visiting my partner's home studio, I remembered to grab the copies of this, and some other songs he is working on for me. I think the additional stanza adds increase to the momentum of the story this peace is telling. For me, it is the emotional clamax in this version, and the final stanza, though descriptive of an extreme action, becomes the denumont. There is also a new balance of  the architecture in respect to the eveness of stanzas in both verses. (At times, I tend to put great emphasis on the importance of song structure. I have ever since I realized how important structure is to a song.)
I hope you enjoy it.
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