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 Oct 2020 Ivy
The Uninstall
 Oct 2020 Ivy
I reject you

Oh modern soulless

Hallow chest of a shell

Plundered socially left

And more negatively right

The swipe I say

Is a curse at best

On the men of this

No longer protruding

Less West
***** swipe culture. Write me a letter.
 Dec 2019 Ivy
 Dec 2019 Ivy
“You’re not good enough”
Is the one sentence you should
Never tell yourself.
Hi. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. It’s like I’ll never be able to convince myself. I feel like my poetry is at a decline. I feel as if nothing I write is good. I couldn’t tell you the amount of “drafts” &  private poems I have on here just because I’m afraid.
Afraid of ridicule.
Afraid of hating myself more.
Afraid of everything.
 Nov 2019 Ivy
His name is ...
 Nov 2019 Ivy
Maybe there’s something between us.
A fire that we kindle but try to put out as if we are ashamed,
Blinded by the light.
But as that fire grows larger,
It becomes harder to control.
At some point,
We must accept the warmth that the flames bring us.
Every day I try and keep these feelings at bay.
 Oct 2019 Ivy
Steady shadows wince
At the sunrise smiling wide
Seeing it's lover
Saying casual goodbyes
To it's famed fling named goodnight
Sunrise Fling Tanka
 Sep 2019 Ivy
Flowers young breathing
In a new day morning shine
Basking in the glow
Of another Spring born young
Revealing a Summers teen
I'm not sure which, but either Spring or Summer is the teenager of all the seasons.
 Feb 2019 Ivy
 Feb 2019 Ivy
I’m rich when it comes to clothes, food and a home to rest my head at night,
I’m poor when it comes to self love <\3
I look in disgust, feel drained with doubt that I can’t...
see a face, flesh just skin bare that I want to cover in shame, filth
Clothed in dark, no color to claim my mark
Just.. cold black.
thoughts, bored
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