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Ink Jun 2014
Each line on your tiny palm
Engraves a moment of life
The sound of your first cry
The cut from your first fight

My dear, the wrinkles around your eyes
Are not from the gain of age
But from the years of smiling and laughter
They'll continue to pile through even the last stage

The whiteness of your hair
Is not the lost of your beautiful youth
It is the sky and heavens calling for you
Your weightless body is nearing the truth

Once you are gone, my dear
I'll remember not your age, but our times
Your smiles and wrinkles and supple skin
Is all a marker of your climb

Every step you took on this rotting Earth
Kept it one second from being destroyed
So when you can no longer walk and talk
My dear, this heart will be just an empty void

Longing for what once was
Ink Jun 2014
Excuse me
For being a little pessimist
But are you forgetting
That everything you do
Since birth until now
Isn't at all
Steps to success
Everything just leads
To the same dark, death
Ink Jun 2014
Beauty is a beast
          Underneath all of her makeup and lies
Ink Jun 2014
Sore throat

I need a doctor
To cure my harsh words
My screams and past yelling
The worst you've ever heard


I need some water
To calm the flow of thoughts in my head
I want to close my eyes for a bit
But the words keep buzzing instead

Aching shoulders**

I should calm down, relax for a little while
Think things through, stop being such a child
I need some help to get things straight
But I'm already cracking under pressure
It's too late to bare the weight

The things I did before
Have all piled on me at this moment
And my regrets and mistakes
Are my life-lasting torment
Ink Apr 2014
The only description of her
The way her eyelashes glitter
In the shining sunlight
The way her pale face
Is angled to imperfection
In a captivating way
Where you have to feel every curve
Every indent on her cheeks

The way her wrists are stained
With the color of her hair
A raw red
Exploding into the world
Exposing her
From all the rest

It's just a shame
That art is only admired
After it's lifespan is gone
Ink Apr 2014
I'm only me
When the lights have gone out,
The eyes have closed,
When the temptations give in
And no one else is there
To witness it

Then I can finally crawl
Out of the walls I've built
Around my fragile bones
And seek the night
Like an old friend

When my thoughts echo through my skull
Driving me to think and do
What's rejected all around
And I finally feel free
I finally feel like me

When my opinions run wild
Ink Apr 2014
Welling up inside of me
Like the guilt from things undone
Lies the horrid emotions
We don't deal to feel
For each other

Deny, deny, deny
The word has become the playlist
Of our lives
Bobbing in our heads
Wherever we go

Keep your thoughts hidden
Like the treasure of your skin
So preciously unique
Unlike any other I've heard
Rough like the tide washing me away

My heart no longer speeds
Up at your sight
My head no longer dizzies
As you speak your careful words
I've learned to burry it all in a well

Deep, deep in a well
Somewhere in my chest,
In my thoughts
Where you can't retrieve it

Deny, deny, deny
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