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  Apr 2015 Untamed

Walk with me, this path does lead us
Curved and twisted thru the fields
Tempting is the destination
And the secrets it may yield

Around the bend an entrance beckons
Long before the skies turn grey
Shrouded by the lost horizon
Wishing us to come and play

Golden grasses form the boundary
Step between the flowing lines
Quickly now the leaves are blowing
Listen as the wind it whines

Nestled in a frame like forest
Set amongst the view we see
Love awaits our storm chased folly
Calling out to you and me

Fade the darkness from your vision
Follow me to where I roam
Needless now to brave the weather
*For we have found our way back home
  Apr 2015 Untamed
There in the closeness
A hairs breadth away seems a million light-years
The sweetest air fills lungs in hurried breaths
A quickened heartbeat drowns out the world
The mind twists and sways in thoughts that soon become a blur
Melded into emotion, into heat
And time stands still

Drawn like magnets to fill the gap
That electric blue spark lingers behind a gaze
Current runs high
Feeling the blood rushing through the smallest veins
Every cell electrified, every hair on end
The weakening of unwanted defenses
That moment the body and soul acquiesce
And time stands still

In the stroke of a cheek
The almost intangible sensation of gliding on smoke
Rising as the embers burn from within
And each breath fans the flames
Proximity feeds passion
As time stands still

The past, erased methodically, deliberately
For there is only this
This birthing of eternity
This moment when the tentative brushing of lips
Burns into soulful coalescence
This one reality
This moment
When time stands still
And if you haven't found a kiss like that, you're kissing the wrong one

***Okay my lovelies, I have gone through three different titles for this poem.  I don't think any of them quite fit.  I'm open to suggestions.  So far I have gone through
-in the warmth of a kiss
-as time stands still
-the birth of eternity
-if a kiss is just a kiss, you're doing it wrong

Please feel free to list any suggestions in the comments or in a message
  Apr 2015 Untamed
Laken Cooper
I'm like your shadow,
who's with you anytime and anywhere
But only shown when there is light
Do you really need me to add up in your life?
because when brightness comes my shadow is connected to it
How about in darkness?
You're going to leave me behind?
  Apr 2015 Untamed
Michael Humbert
Is the
To rust
It all
C   o   l   l   a   p   s    e    s
  Apr 2015 Untamed
Erenn's Collabs
It's funny how we met right after my heart shattered 
It's like you knew me all along
And now you're here to save me
But I kept pushing you out
But why do you still keep coming back?

See, they say shattered mirrors yell out "bad omen!"
And I had stared till I no longer recognise my reflection
But you reminded me of sleepless nights and how the crows never called a name
Your heart does not sound like a broken glass to me

It rhymed with my beating heart
Though broken, it's still pumping
Notions of stigma streaming in that fervent river vein
The truth hits me when I stared long enough
I can never give what you've given me
But why do you keep coming back?

Your veins were rivers that would take us away
As these paper boats fall apart
I still see parts of myself in shards of you
We could share the same breath underwater

*So please, let me fix you.
Bold Erenn
Italics Iridescent
My first ever collab with a fellow Singaporean!
And my first ever collab on this account!
She's amazing! Check out her account!

— The End —