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  May 2017 Aubrie M
M Sanchez
You do not get to hurt my feelings and call it "art"
I will not gift you in that way
You own all the credit but I refuse to give you fame
This is not a poem
If it were it'd be titled with your name
Details about how the clouds couldn't compete with me but instead,
I am feeling that feeling with no name
And that's why
This is not a poem
As I'm lying on this bed
I will sign it and hide it within my drawer labeled 12 AMs
Because you are not an artist
They create beauty from their own pain
But you have used mine
You will never know what it said
I still love you
But I must remind you,

that this is not a poem.
  May 2017 Aubrie M
JL Smith
Pause like a comma
Breath hesitates
Anticipating distraction
Contemplating mistake
Throat dry as desert
Words clamped to tongue
Exchange of introductions
And we've only just begun

© JL Smith
  May 2017 Aubrie M
Savannah Charlish
Before I met you
I never thought I'd find someone who responds to small questions with large answers
Because you know the little details are important and you want to be honest and not leave anything out

Before I met you
I didn't think someone could listen as well as they talked
You love to listen but I love the sound of your voice
You don't like asking questions and I never can decide on a answer
But you're still the only person I never want to stop talking to
Because you're the only person I know who likes conversations just the way I do

Before I met you
I let men cut corners on things I loved because I thought I loved them
But then you came along
And showed me that all the things I thought I didn't need
Were the things always missing
Aubrie M May 2017
Please - forgive my staring. I'm simply mesmerized;

The bristliness of your face (buried in my neck);

The crooked tilt of your lips (pressed against my breast);

And oh! How freckled your limbs are (intertwined with mine).
  May 2017 Aubrie M
Penelope Winter
those who say it's a beautiful feeling
to fall in love
have always been loved
in return

- p. winter
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