No matter* how tired my legs get...I'll never stop* chasing you.
No matter how much my chest hurts...It'll never stop beating for you. As I get nervous, anxious...excited about what you're about to say.
No matter how much my mind spins...I'll never stop thinking about you, your feistiness, your smile, the way your eyes look at me a certain way.
I'll never stop trying.
I'll never stop trying to make things better.
I'll never stop showing you what you deserve. Clear skies, a peaceful mind, forehead kisses and "I miss you" at the end of each letter. I'll never stop. Even when you want me to because I know you don't want me to truly stop...and go away.
I'll never stop because not many people can make me feel this way.
The best part of the story, and always the highlight of my day.
"Thank you!" as she would say. Lol
I just wannted to make her smile.
I hope I can do that now, tomorrow...and always.
I'll never stop.
Because love don't change.