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Pitter patter of your heart,
Matching to the sounds of drums.
Sitting here oh so lonely,
Being held by invisible arms.
The arms of depression, anorexia, anger,
The arms of cutting, thinking, and my errors.
I hate to think but it is all that I can do,
Loving my hatred is what makes me a fool.
They call me a ****, devil, queer,
They call me an idiot, *****, and weird.
If only their uneducated minds knew,
What others purposely ignore.
I am on the edge,
It hurts so.
I'm lonely and scared,
Depressed and angry.
People abusing me in all three ways,
How could you blame me?
I even abuse myself,
To the breaking point.
Hoping to be stronger,
But I end up weaker in the end.
My loyalty is what makes me,
My ignorance is what breaks me.
My self education is only my imagination,
Cause all I can do is think and think and think.
I act self centered, clingy, and spoiled,
Only cause I need love, but at the same time need to be alone.
I'm walking alone,
Alone is the key,
Being alone,
Is causing my insanity.
©LogenMichel copyright 2014
I want to lay in bed with you
No thoughts of ***
Racing through my body
But the only thought
I'll allow tonight
Is the thought of holding you
Under every moonlit lullaby
And let stars watch with full smiles
As they witness my love for you grow
I don't care what the world has I say
I'd rather you call me your teddy bear
Than they'll know I'm not in it for the ***
The royal treatment is for you
And this late night cuddle session
Is only the beginning
Because tonight I'm going to show you
That even with my weakness
I'll protect you through the night
I'll be your dream catcher
Your luck rabbits foot
And chase away the worries of tomorrow
I'll cuddle concrete
I'll cuddle rose pedals
But nothing in this world
Could ever amount to the roaring passion
I can ever feel
When its your heart and soul I cuddle with
Your my yesterday
My every day tomorrow
And the last thing I want to embrace
When I fall asleep thinking of you
This late night cuddle session
Isn't over because I'll hold you
Till the moon and sun decide to collide
I love you like teddy bears love cuddling
And theirs nothing this teddy bear loves more
Than loving you
Dedicated to Mystery. A really cool girl I'm glad to know
It is cold, it is raining.
But no, I don't care.
A matter of hours,
My girl, and I'm there.

We'll sit under blanket,
We'll watch the rains fall.
Sipping at glasses, and
Sharing it all;

The sound of the storm
As it dances around.
The skyfuls of water
That pound at the ground.

Come winter and wind,
They will not see me frown.
An interesting thing
About weather, I've found:

I never get cold, whether
Rainstorm or snow.
Within it with you,
I'm the warmest I know.
My mind is
at some number of minutes
past midnight and
I am high
on poetry:
an unnamed
- drugs -
I wish I had
some of those right now
(not that I'd
know what to do
with them).
I want to be
where the wind speaks
and everything
is directed
at the
I am an
and I crave
wild nights and
the thrill
of desire
or I will have no choice
but to

Poetry happens when I can't sleep
You look at me and you see an enemy.

I look at you and I see a man who needs enlightenment
But one too afraid of his god to look for it.

Your hate could be the death of me for my compassion cannot hope to compete with a god.

Yet I am here
If you need a friend.
Where is your god?
I am becoming increasingly disenchanted by the major world religions
 Oct 2014 Hayley Neininger
The curse of Oak Island,
A tale without a tale that hasn"t
been tailed.
It's a curse, but a curse without a cure
waiting to be cursed.
Witches, Tribes,
What lies  lye behind the burning
sake of your eyes?-
The head of the match,
It has been struck.
What's did is done and may not
Be undone-
Elizabethan Era,
Hangman's Knot,
Wrap, wrap, outta slack
Pull, pull, pulling, are you
Satisfied yet?-
Tomorrows fears brings tonights
It's almost like confetti, but
Tears fall faster, like
The rain being blown by wind-
Tossing and turning,
Swaying like a dancer on the
Hawaiian islands.
A fisherman's fears,
Caught in the midst of
a hurricane
Rolling, Crashing
Against the waves-
Except this is humanity.
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

Our humor was in sync
I don't recognize you at all

I know we grow
and change
I never thought
I would find
Your humor so repulsive

Queer even
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

As I ponder
This chasm
That has opened
Between us
I feel my heart
Well, maybe just a little
Sad by changes I see in one I love
Your jagged thoughts in crooked patterns remind me of....*

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