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 Jun 2014 harlee kae
banksy once said
"i mean, they say you die twice.
once when you stop breathing
and a second, a little later on,
when somebody says your name for the last time."
you killed me when you broke my ******* heart.
and i know you haven't said my name in months.
so i guess i'm practically six feet under.
Lets lie down,
On your bed,
Let's prove to each other
were not dead.

Crumpled clothes,
Hair a mess,
Breathing hard,
against your chest.

Smelling sweet,
Of love and sweat,
Pillows strewn,
Sheets all wet.

A happy girl,
Rosy cheeked,
With her man,
Ain't love neat.
 Jun 2014 harlee kae
It isn't written on billboards but I miss you.

**And I always will,
Because these endings,
have no end.
 Jun 2014 harlee kae
 Jun 2014 harlee kae
I have failed again
Doomed to live out my existence
In a shell of betrayal and self afflicted heartbreak
Knowing that I wasn't enough for you
Knowing that, despite my problems
Somewhere, two souls meet in infinite embrace
And the sword of jealousy pierces my knotted guts

Every time I hear your name my body shakes
This pain is no longer emotional
It strikes my core and shatters all I have built
My knees weaken and my chest tightens
My head hurts and my tears flow without asking
It happens randomly throughout the day
My collapses are uncontrollable

Stupid things remind me of you
Like bikes, and guitars, and cigarettes
And Law and Order and Friends and Eric Clapton
And pipes and aches and organic food
And kisses and touches and holding you
Mostly holding you with the reassurance of your voice
Saying I will never lose you

And I didn't
As I've aged I learned one important thing
the world lied to us
No perfect Christmases
No perfect relationships
No happy ever afters
The world lied to us

Our hopes and dreams
our search for the perfect thing
built up on lies
We've dreamed about our perfect weddings
our perfect days
our perfect homes
but none of it is real
The world lied to us

Our friendships end just like they began
relationships crumble like a house of cards
our hopes change more than our wardrobe
Everything we were told
everything we dreamed and hoped for
all built on lies

Caring what others think
worrying if they are angry at us
thinking about them in times of need


they don't care what we think
they never worry about us
they never think about how we are


 Jun 2014 harlee kae
We waste most of the time,
trying to find that one thing we all desire,
But what we all do not know is,
happiness lies in everything,
even the littlest things.
Happiness lies in a beautiful day,
where the sun is up,
and the sky is in a shade of blue.
Happiness lies in the people we love,
a lover,
a friend,
a family member.
Happiness lies in a good cup of coffee,
and a friend we share lovely conversations with.
Happiness lies in wonderful moments,
Happiness lies in music,
the ones we dance and sing along to.
Happiness lies in someone's laughter,
and a smile so bright,
it shines one's heart.

Happiness lies in everything surrounding us.
Tonight I realized that
you weren't the one
who wrecked me,
ruined me,
or destroyed me.

It was me.

Because only I
have the power to
do that to myself.

                                        I destroyed myself
                                        by loving you.
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