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Why does my heart keep beating?                                    
**                                          It died long ago...
 May 2016 Hannah Martin
m i a
i don't think i've ever felt this way about someone before,
you always seem to sneak into my thoughts at around four,
you always seem to make my inner core, burst with fire
because of my lovely desire
for you,
and only you
even when i'm the bluest of blues,
you have no clue,
how happy you make me,
with a simple 'how are you?'
darling i can't help myself,
falling for you,
but please tell me one thing,
*am i in love with you, or the feeling?
i honestly don't know what love feels like. so am i in love with you, or the feeling of being in love with you?
When you have an issue with someone or vice-versa, try talking to that person and aim to sort it out...don't wait for the other person to come to you..having an ego the size of an ostrich's egg is not going to help have to abandon your ego...if even after talking to the person things don't work out then so be it...but at least make the effort.
It's a night filled with passion and desire
Our bodies entwined under a sea of blankets
I stare deeply into your eyes
I can see that they want me
So i start kissing you
I caress your *******
I play with your hair
I shower your tummy and hips with kisses
I write poetries on your back using my tongue
I then focus on the area between your legs
My tongue is now writing with vigorous intensity
Loud moans one after the other
You like it
You hold on to the sheets
And finally i can taste your sweet nectar
We will never know what the future holds
But only by letting go of the past
Can we aim to slowly build a future
That we might like to see.

Goodbye to problems of the past
Hello to the pathway to the future
I realise my life doesn't have to end because the things around me do. I am now feeling much better, literally came to me in a dream where I was in a haunted house and I walked pass this guy and he grabbed my arm and I ran straight for the exit and as I left the house, it burned into nothingness.  I'm saying goodbye to the past. Goodbye to the person I used to love. Goodbye to the light and hope for you i held. Goodbye to writing my sad feelings. Yall see the side of star gazer that keeps a level head and is always happy. Goodbye to sad poetry and most importantly hello to the future.
I polished and scrubbed my H E A R T
You touched it with your talons
And I watched it crumble A P A R T
I should have been more protective.

I always wonder whether there exists
Condoms for your beating heart
Because I can feel the pummel of clenched fists
******* it up till its black and blue

I don't trust many people today
I don't trust their intentions and words
I see no foreshadowing, life is no play
So I rely on preventive measures.

It has become so lonely protecting myself
I want someone to knock my walls down
Like the way books fall from a shelf
I want to see it demolished brick by brick.
I tried losing weight,
I was certain I was good at eating
So I let my insecurities devour me.
"Ugh who the **** is that monstrosity?"
Staring in the mirror became difficult,
I became a vampire, creating a house
without any mirrors in my vision
and as I slowly saw myself submerge
deeper into that monstrosity in the mirror
I realised, this is no longer a home,
this is a house, this is a judgemental house
where even the mirrors
are eating at my internal flame
and as my candles flickered
I knew I was never going to ever look good
So I starved myself over and over,
And when the scales read my weight,
I saw "Math Error" or "Syntax Error",
Because I knew, I was everything wrong.

I to this day, hate the way I look,
And everyday as I drive
My front view mirror reflects-
A ******* monstrosity.
 Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
I have tried too many times
reaching out my hand with no kind returns
pulling back my hand to find
just broken fingers, scars, and burns
 Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
"If you love something, let it go"
That is BS.
That saying is the biggest lie I've ever heard.
If you love something, don't you dare let it go.
Because it will not come back.
Even if it wants to, something will stop it.
If you love something, you hold on to that thing so tight that it can never leave.
You hold on to it for as long as you possibly can, drain every ounce of love out of it, because one day, it will be taken away.
If you love something and you let it go, it's your fault if you never see it again.
If you love something, please please please hold on to it.
Don't let your love go.
You may never get it back.
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