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Commuters, traffic stuck in various jams
yes we have all been there.
Exhaust fumes choking passengers
enjoying coffee in the square.
Market stalls set up
crates of fish align the pavement
cauliflowers and cabbages
blocking stairways on basements.
school children being awkward in four by fours
dominating the single traffic lane
meanwhile platform two at the station
annunces the arrival of the early train.
The departure lounge at the airport
cross legged pinstripe suits wait
eye balling the screens for the appropriate gate.
Taxis called, and then whistled for
wet, cheerful postmen frog march
to your red painted door.
The milkman has been
the bread has risen and been cooked.
Toll roads are heaving
and the motorways over-booked.
Queues for tickets, the cars have been parked
time to compose yourself from the drive
get through day with relief
and then it all starts up again at five!
Maybe we're from the same scar.
Maybe the same galactic gutter.
Maybe the same pulpy punch.
Maybe you were my sister
or you were my brother.

Maybe there is a place
where we used to go
to plant our feet
in what we didn't know.

Maybe there is a place
where the whistle grows,
the voices chatter,
the stillness slows.

And maybe, somewhere
or the whistle grows,
the voices chatter,
the stillness shows.

And maybe, somewhere,
or this place, you said to me,
"I hope you remember
that this is a false memory."
University of Virginia
Love comes in many forms
just from those three little words
then it spreads and performs
like a row of sweet whistling birds.

Whistling to the same sweet tune
a melody that is from the heart
to say that very, very soon
you will never be apart.

The birds, they know that love survives
even the toughest, mightiest test
and that these feelings thrive
on nothing but the very best.

So, with this in mind, give it a try
and just like the whistling dove
you will be pleased and the reason why?
It is that you have found true love.
 Feb 2016 McKenzie Spehar
it's ok
my eyes are heavy and watering
But I don't remember the last time I cried
I left my respobilities far too early today
I should feel bad,
But instead I'm staring at a television
With animated figures
All this time I tried to be straight forward
And they called me abstract still
 Feb 2016 McKenzie Spehar
it's ok
It's terrifying that songs or poems can be written about you
Someone thought about you so much,
They had to write it down,
You played with their thoughts enough
They sat down and thought about it
I feel young again around these girls,
This constant attention,
Playing the dating game.

Wooing and flirting and wanting,
I feel like I'm eighteen,
Which is convenient because I am.

It feels so nice to have no strings pulled,
I am liberated from concrete
And allowed to be me again.

Watch out ladies,
Here I come.
There's only one thing about this situation,
And it's that you don't like me
Like I
Like you.

I can see it in your eyes Hailee,
Or rather the fact that
I never
Catch them.

When I look at you, you don't look back,
Your eyes don't dilate and I doubt
That you
Feel warm.

I didn't think I could feel this much
Care. For another person again.

But Hailee, I felt it for you.
The warmth inside of my chest and gut,
My face and arms and torso diffusing

I care for you, you are an amazing individual,
And it's okay that you don't feel it back.

I'm not your type anyway.
Please don't let this affect us.
Insulting my  roommates in your presence is still one of my favorite pastimes.
Looking out at the white, frosty snow
covering branches, twigs and everything
Like a cold blanket, warming the soil
little shoots just waiting for Spring.
Blushing blossom just patiently hibernating
Getting ready to air those frilly frocks
Shaking out their creases to the wind
Ticking off the days to go on imaginary clocks.
The worms slithering underground in icy times
just waiting to get to the surface on a warm day
tapping their tails, hurrying time along
waiting for spring in an impatient way.
Birds with crinkled beaks pecking for berries
hoping for something easier to catch their sight
Just waiting, the Robin, just liking the frost
but then he sees the hungry birds in mid flight.
The creatures, the flora and little me waiting
for the blue of the bells, the white of the shade
waiting for primroses, the blossom on twigs
and of course waiting for the Easter Parade.
I couldn't breathe today when I considered certain possibilities,
I am so

I am bruised and glistening,
Attempting to collect what I can of myself for you,
So you could see
The truth.

I want to apologize for all these months,
But the time healed not only my wounds
But grew me a new heart
Wrapped in a salty, sharp, piercing, sincere, untameable soul,
Gathering these thoughts is impossible for me
You destroy them,
I reorganize this tesselating mess of feelings and passion and appreciation
Only for you to smile or laugh or SPEAK
And blow the chains I forged apart,
And once again the wings flap inside me.

I want to be plain, speak clearly, but I can't grab them all,
All these lights inside me.

You have contributed to the construction of an indescribable sun inside of me,
The envy of Sol
For its vitality, mass and luminescence.
                       you are!
It's killing me, your brightness,
For I cannot guarantee a proper expression into words and action
Conveying what I feel
And why I want to worship
The sun.

I should stop.
You are a girl, a woman new to this same world as I,
Please do not over think,
a sweet uncertain
future awaits
us all my friend
teach me
to forgive my
oh the pain
oh the pain
yet again
yet again
teach me
to forgive
dear friend
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