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 Dec 2015 Victoria
i am 18 years old and i've kissed 17 boys. i've passed 16 classes, and cried at school 15 times. sophomore year i missed 14 days of school. i've figured out 13 ways to say "i didn't do my homework," and i am halfway through the 12th grade. my longest relationship lasted 11 months. i once left a picture up for 10 minutes, and received 9 comments about how unacceptable my shirt was. i have gone through 8 best friends and 7 phones. i've gotten lost on the road 6 times and i have 5 friends i plan to keep in touch with for the rest of my life. at my first job, i made $4 an hour. i've fallen in love 3 times, i've seen two therapists and i'm still holding on to this one thought that everything is going to be okay.
everything is going to be okay.
 May 2015 Victoria
Ella Gwen
I keep watching other people living
and wondering how I can keep up with
each showcase, another step behind
and my legs are too short and eyes too
tired and I can't make my hair shine like
you do or be happy like he is or have
a dozen friends in undiscovered places
like she always has, nor have I ever done
anything that is actually anything on his scale and
to be content merely moving is apparently
never enough, I need to push forward, become
someone and do something that dulls
everyone else's shine
because apparently that is living and that is life
and it's only real when everyone else can see it.
 May 2015 Victoria
Allyson Walsh
Choose your words carefully, now
Stick a coffee filter
Between your mind and mouth
Please try to control what comes out

Hold your tongue
Staple that muscle
To the pinks of your gums
Please just do it for my mom

End the R-word
Print it in a million books
And watch the pages burn
Put a stop to the harmful looks

Terminate "*******"
It isn't a synonym for "absurd"
It's not just a filler-word
My cousin is not to be discarded

If I could eliminate
The word I hate
I would cut the letters up
And hide them away from the ones that I love

Dispose of this nasty term
Cut this expression down
Watch this word infest with worms
And let the death be the talk of the town
For TG-O & AG
you told me to be levelheaded
because symmetry is what makes a beautiful face.

I will touch my stomach
to the bottom of the pool
so you can’t examine me
without being as low as I am.

if you still want to see,
meet me in the deep end—
we can have a toxic tea party
just you and I.

when I finally float to the top
you’ll say
my sense of foolishness
is what you’ve always
 May 2015 Victoria
Ysa Pa
 May 2015 Victoria
Ysa Pa
Standing at the edge of a cliff
People surround you

One tells you to jump

Another tries to convince you not to

Then there's a person who'll push you

There's another who'll try to stop you from falling,
By clinging on to your arm

There's a person waiting at the bottom of the cliff,
Waiting to catch you

Then there's the person
Whose the reason why you're jumping

And then...
There's an unexpected person
Who'll *jump with you
There are different kinds of people in your life... You just need to figure out who is whom.

This is something I realized after an incident... I just wanted to share ^-^
 May 2015 Victoria
LB Parker
The pen moving even before
My mind forms thoughts
I write in surges
Of jibberish
Only I can then translate
Into legible expression
Hypergraphia is a behavioral condition characterized by the intense desire to write.
With love, kelsey
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