What are we but a speck in this universe of granite, metal and a burning tail Fiery wild passion moving in a constant speed As if we already knew As if we planned As if written As if measured Do we count in Fibonacci's in blindfolds eternally spin in this limbo indulging ourselves in the futility of a dog chasing its tail are we just asleep in this journey conversing in our dreams decoding static noises in the other end of the radio for flight directions over shifting planes of time Like the stars believed that fate is their religion Or the cosmos just furtive of its secrets?
Glittering gold, Blazing reds; Vividly bold, Bedazzled threads. Sparkling silver, Onyx lace, Feathered crowns, And a hidden face; A masquerade of fabrication, Patrons dance away the night; They revel in such admiration, Till shines the light of dawn.
There many more gifted Writers then myself here on the earth. So I know the truth, that I am a ok writer whom allow Christ. To write poetry that is Great through me, not entirely me whom writes. For he wants to use us all through our writing to bless others here. For he will always add to a offering in his name to bless our gifts. To reveal himself to everyone else through each of our gifts here. When we give the gift to him and deciated it to him here as well. For there are by more ways to give to God then just our money. For its far better to look beyond our-self to want others healed.