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EP Robles Sep 2018
while F was pointing its two accusing fingers to its right U bent towards her middle wishing alpha bet higher wages and C being blind always kept its mouth opened for the rare change beggars threw at it because K always loves to kick the air with its tight stocked legs.  
    Characters all of them!

:: 09-12-2018 ::
alpha bet on the loser
EP Robles Sep 2018
i met a poet  just today

he greeted me  with much

laughter   as foreplay

(we seized each other

from brim to toe)

one cried  the other sang

a hymn

and at the end  we shook

our head   contemplating

which the queerer

and stepped away

from our mirror.

:: 09-12-2018 ::
a remarkable encounter
EP Robles Sep 2018
\ i have a finger
   it has a trigger
i have a bullet
   it has a chamber

a perfect fusion
to combat illusion

  and i'm rolling
back down the road
to the city we all
know of

Linger City
Linger City
Linger City

Where i keep
my finger
with a rigor
mortis snicker

***** you city
my funny bone
is a state of
all within
the limits of

Linger City
Linger City
Linger City

yeah /

:: 09-12-2018 ::
It's one of those moments and I won't ignore it.  Write on.
EP Robles Sep 2018
i stepped inside
       my throat  
  to choke a lie
the room was festive
   with devils and
prancing disease
a war ensued
   the rest
a history
—  acclivity!

:: 09-10-2018 ::
i am in shame of truth at times when it uncovers fear for what it is
EP Robles Sep 2018
i birthed one of my famous dreams
   last night  and invited the
whole town.    every inconsiderate
  thought came   and the flat shadows
    of my dearest fears.
  the Child with no face on the sidewalk
outlines in broad strokes
     Despair.  a piece of dove of peace
  smothered in regrets on a wooden table
served on a terrace of blinding terror.
  only the smallest of facts carry
the greatest stories of which this one
is condemned to 3 o'clock each mourning.
       before heaven awakens.
       before sizzling strains
           of gravity prove awakened
               minds are too heavy.
as the rest of the town hides everywhere
   that sanity has escaped i press
hard into my eyes by thumbs to forget.
             manifested dreams is a sidecar
of my mental vehicle.  again at sunrise
    to find that one last star yet devoured
by daylight.  a wish upon that remaining
  survivor -- allow this to be me!

:: 09-10-2018 ::
What more to say.
EP Robles Sep 2018
Mellifluous are the songs of moon
   lit lips  pressing a maddened
heart as mine!

This largest night ate the orchards
and  prismatic towns by the shores
   where waves say goodbye torturing
   women who have lost their sailors
                    on calmer nights.

Instead of life the sea has come
   has come to take from me
   all i have called normality

   what most who love may dislike
   what some who hate may balance
     i n   l i f e :
  a severe disinclination
    or tolerance for such as me!

so cold are some it feels as stings
     from a polar bee!

:: 09-08-2018 ::
solitary.  a very large world with a very small heart.  cold stares.  unforgivable indifferences.  petty quarrels.  the smallest of minds that have disconnected from feeble-sized hearts.
EP Robles Sep 2018


when sun ignites
romance's flame
or when two hearts

   a Gordian knot--

oh! so simple, surly not!
tidal waves that crush
the shores of souls!

:: ~~ ::
twisting, curving, knotting, knowing, blowing and cursing life at times is living.
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