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4.2k · Feb 2016
Love Hurts
EM Feb 2016
Flowers and petals cover my pain.
The sound of your voice drives me insane.
You I won't miss.
As you ******* a kiss.
Go ahead throw my heart down the drain.
1.2k · Jan 2016
Day Dream
EM Jan 2016
I can only imagine
the beautiful canyon
filled with the towering
trees as high as skyscrapers,
where the animals run free
on the leaf-carpeted meadows
and blooming flowers dancing
with the breeze of the wind,
in the golden glow of the day.
This enchanting wonderland
is the perfect place to bury old
memories, ponder on the
mysteries of life or to just cry
in a quiet, comforting place.
755 · Dec 2015
Crystal Tears
EM Dec 2015
Streaming down
like a flowing river
on your perfect
rose colored cheeks
are the tears that
glisten and shine
from sadness and
pain throbbing
through your
broken body.
Tears like the
most gorgeous
diamonds filled
with despair and
lost hope.
747 · Feb 2016
Under My Mask
EM Feb 2016
The mask that I embrace,
Is a smile that covers my face.
My whole life's been a lie,
Behind my laughter I cry.
I am useless, stupid, fat,
Very ugly and insulted at.
The pain inside the truth,
Is rotting away my youth.
I conceal my pain at a cost,
For everyday is a battle I've lost.
My tear stained face is hidden,
To show it's true form is forbidden.
But you just stole a chance to see,
Now I'm screaming don't look at me!
577 · Mar 2016
EM Mar 2016
Words can be deceiving,
Like the words I love you.
The words that I'm perceiving,
were never meant to be true.
You left my heart to grieving,
You left me out of the blue.
Even though I kept believing,
That somehow you'd come through.
571 · Feb 2016
EM Feb 2016
For too long I’ve kept to the shadows.
I lost all hope of  finding love long ago.
I’m covered in scars and bruises
from daily encounters with “him”.
How can I be who I was before?
I am unable to experience euphoria,
but instead only pain and terror.
“His” words run through my mind over and over again.
Princess, Beautiful, My love.
The agony is destroying who I am
and now that he’s gone, I don’t know what to do
except to repeat the words I love you
to the one person I thought cared about me.
The lies and hurt I’ve been through
can never be healed with kisses or hugs.
I need to know if you love me or not
because I’ve loved someone before, and all he wanted was more, and more.♥
450 · Jan 2016
All I Want Is You ♥
EM Jan 2016
You lure me, the sweet scent of your love,
it's near I feel the presence, I'm so close
I can almost grab it.
I'm on the edge.
The tips of my finger feel the static
electrifying mist of your personality.
You have me in a trance; I'm trapped...
I can't break free.
A sudden clash between the rolling waves
and towering rocks give me a glimpse
of what is below and in the blink of an eye,
I plunge into that which awaits for me below.
This is a quick way to end it...
This way I don't have to put up with the fact
that no matter how far I reach and no matter
how much I want it I will never, not even in
my dreams, be able to have you in my arms.♥
This was written for me by a very close friend.
427 · Feb 2016
Without You
EM Feb 2016
The thought of being away from you
blackens my thoughts,
black tar slowly mixes with the bright colors
the rainbow slowly fades into fifty shades of grey,
my whole drive grinds to a halt,
I regress into a state of melancholy,
I stand above the hole in which
my happiness is being buried,
I'll wait night and day
until I see that blessed breathtaking smile.
just marlon
425 · Feb 2016
Only Nightmares
EM Feb 2016
I can't sleep anymore.
My tears cover the sheets and
my eyes burn with a longing to see you.
The dark creeps up behind me,
closing in on my worst fears.
I wake up screaming, crying,
and throbbing...
waiting to feel secure but I can't.
It never stops, the torment keeps
killing me, making me hide in the shadows.
Stay with me throughout
the everlasting night.
My dreams were killed off long ago.
I'm terrified of the abyss below.
407 · Mar 2016
Shakespearean Sonnet
EM Mar 2016
Shall I explain why women are divine
When God made man he had no companion
While Adam slept, God took from his side
To share a love no one could imagine

So when Adam awoke to his surprise
There stood Eve in God’s perfect creation
With sparks in there eyes, love was realized
Short a rib no need for explanation

He said bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
Not created from mind to rule over
Nor from his feet to step on or to thresh
From near Adams heart he pulls her closer

Created by God’s design from heaven
Now taken from man, he called her woman

- Jared Escoto
My friend Jared wrote this poem and I absolutely love it, so I thought I'd share it with all of you.
370 · Feb 2016
Mixed Signals
EM Feb 2016
I realize you're taken but that it isn't fair.
You make me feel beautiful, smart, wanted.
When you're with me everything else melts away.
If you don't love me then at least pretend you're in love.
343 · Feb 2016
EM Feb 2016
Lost in the enchanting night.
Waiting for a way to escape
this pain that devours my heart.
The bruises and scars caused
by his powerful and forceful arms.
I’m drained of all happiness and life.
Screaming at the stars to rescue me
as they are scattered in your eyes.
I hope that you’ll send a shooting star
because I’m too broken to make a wish.
305 · Feb 2016
Love Struck
EM Feb 2016
Flower petals and time cover my pain.
Being drawn to the dark side of your love.
And the sound of your voice drives me insane.
Why am I the one you’re neglectful of?

Broken promises equals broken trust.
You keep my heart but throw my love away.
I cry as you look at me with disgust.
You use and consume me with no dismay.

But I have to end our relationship.
I was once strong but now you’ve made me weak.
We can be no more, not even friendship.
You broke me apart, you pathetic freak!

Now I am empowered with ecstasy.
Love is reality not fantasy.
268 · Apr 2016
Love Is An Illusion
EM Apr 2016
The moments I spent with you
Were ones I left behind me.

The feeling of this euphoric sensation
Has ceased to exist within me.

But yet...

Your enchanting smile still haunts me
And your gorgeous eyes linger in my mind.

The image of your enticing body
Held close against mine
Makes me yearn for the past.

When our love had no limits,
No worries, or restrictions.

Could it be that it was fantasy
Instead of a pleasing reality?
265 · Apr 2016
Night Skies
EM Apr 2016
The night screen had hung down.
The celestial space had glittering and luminous,
diamond like stars that shine in your eyes
as we are a breathtaking distance away from each other.
The darkness frightened me
as the golden glow of the day drew to an end,
and the only comfort I found was being wrapped
up in your strong but gentle arms.
The night was a silent chasm stealing the light of day
as you swept me up and took my breath away.
I watch as even at night the clouds look so dreamy
yet translucent like sea glass in the sky.
The moon's reflection gleams on the sea
and the sight of you reminds me of it's beautiful complexion.
Waiting for hours to feel secure once again
with the warmth of the sun's rays and the wispy, blissful clouds,
protecting me from the empty black void we call night.
The bright stars shine on the rain-kissed sidewalks
that we stroll down on hand in hand.
When the twilight fades to blackness,
a radiant light glistens inside you
as you kiss me under the elegant night sky.
239 · Feb 2016
Love is Hate
EM Feb 2016
Love is cruel,
Unlike a jewel.
Love is cold,
Unlike pure gold.
Love is fake,
Meaning heart-break.

— The End —