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 May 2015 Emily Tyler
Noah Mytho
Who would care?
Who would notice if i stopped messaging everyone?
Who would text my phone, message me on kik, blow up my facebook or even call?
Who would notice if i left?
What would they miss, me or my kindness?
Would they actually notice?
Would they actually care?
Don't worry. I'm just getting some feeling out where i know none of my friends visit regularly.
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
you were my anchor
a source of strength
as I refused to sink

you are my anchor
tied around my feet

but i must set sail now
let loose of the ropes
& please, *just let me go
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
Your lipstick is oily,
but he is willing to kiss it,
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
Tiny Fish
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
"Come on, little fish, you have to leave the pond."
"But it's scary out there."
"You'll never learn if you stay in a puddle."
"But I don't know if I'm ready."
"No one ever is."
"But then how-"
"Your journey awaits."
"Though you may be small, you're strong. And you've known all along
that someday you'd have to go- to sea to see and live and grow.
We love you here, but you shouldn't stay, believe in yourself and say-"
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
Kyle Howard
Back then when we were friends
I didn't worry about the ending
But then again,
It was foolish, to live life, without concern
So I came to learn

In the end, I was in awe
I wonder did it take much thought
I became the Ceasar to hold your daggers
Et tu (even you) must understand the treachery in your act
Bleeding out, I could not react

Now I still breath, but bare these scars
An awful memento of a mournful past
I press on, but never the same
Anger and hate my only friends
That's how this ends
A poem about a falling out I had earlier on in my life.
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
 May 2015 Emily Tyler
Im thinking about you again.

and this is not a good sign
its been like what? ... like 4 years? almost 5 years? ive lost track..
You hide behind those auburn locks around your face
To shield yourself from the cruel world
You walk with your head held low and flat shoes, you wouldnt dare wear heels because you'd hate to cause any attention on yourself with the annoying clinking of the bad choice of shoes so you wear long sweaters and dark colors because you want the people who do see you to only see darkness, the color of your soul is what you call it
and you honestly believe that, you love to live in the shadows and one day you even laughed at yourself bitterly for loving your loneliness
You've forgotten that you were in public when you laughed and someone was watching you the entire time
He saw the way your eyes lit up when you smiled and he loved your deep dimples that shaped your face, he figured he could stare at your green doe like eyes for the rest of his life and he began to daydream about running his fingers through your hair
When you caught him staring you quickly looked away and cursed at yourself but his smile deepened noticing you cursed, he loved the idea of you having a feisty side, he liked you so much that he decided to take a seat next to you and that's when everything changed
The fact that he thought you were beautiful was incredible to you and like magic you no longer thought  the world was that cruel anymore since there were still good people like him In it,
You no longer walked in  flats anymore you began to think they were boring and out of season, you often opted for some pretty heels that clinked when you walked because you liked feeling like a supermodel walking the runway, you began to love your red locks of hair, you even decided to go to the hair salon and let them give you beach waves
Now your hair flows beautifully down your back.
Your fashion sense went from boring to fashionista every single day when you left your house you were wearing something new and gorgeous
You loved your new look, and you also deeply loved the new boy who brought all of this confidence out of you.
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