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The weight of grief
Is only as heavy as
The love you held for them.

I must have loved you
With everything I had.
I have become,
And breathtakingly

And she is,
Now this particular girl
During a ceremonious april walk
With her latest suitor
Found herself, of a sudden, intolerably struck
By the birds' irregular babel
And the leaves' litter.

By this tumult afflicted, she
Observed her lover's gestures unbalance the air,
His gait stray uneven
Through a rank wilderness of fern and flower;
She judged petals in disarray,
The whole season, sloven.

How she longed for winter then! --
Scrupulously austere in its order
Of white and black
Ice and rock; each sentiment within border,
And heart's frosty discipline
Exact as a snowflake.

But here -- a burgeoning
Unruly enough to pitch her five queenly wits
Into ****** motley --
A treason not to be borne; let idiots
Reel giddy in bedlam spring:
She withdrew neatly.

And round her house she set
Such a barricade of barb and check
Against mutinous weather
As no mere insurgent man could hope to break
With curse, fist, threat
Or love, either.
 Mar 2018 emil hernried
Ciel Noir
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
 Feb 2018 emil hernried
Are you even real,
I moan as I caress the ghost beside me
Before I drown in the loneliness of my sheets
 Feb 2018 emil hernried
I don't think you understand
Where it is I'm coming from

Im not doing this for an English grade
If i was I'd have perfect grammar
im not doing this for you
If i was i'd put more heart into my words
i'd make you feel something

im not doing it for you
or for him
or for anyone else

i do it for me
i write for me
im selfish
i keep my words for myself
i keep my words close to me
so only i can feel their meaning

so no
at the end of the day
i dont care if you feel any of my words
i dont care if you detest them
because they arent for you
they are for me

so no
at the end of the day
i dont think you understand.
If it was for English, I'd be flawless. If it was for you, I'd write with heart. because it is for me i write as i choose to
 Feb 2018 emil hernried
 Feb 2018 emil hernried
Little girl who taught you
that your body is an object of shame
Girl of God
of Truth

Who taught you to hide
When you hear his name
Girl of blood
of power
of pain

Little girl who taught you
To be timid and tame
Girl of wrath
of beauty
of flame

Listen to me girl
Fight your demons for a longer while
Girl, little girl, I taste the revolution
             in your smile
This one is special to me. I hope it speaks to you too. Girl, little girl, we're one and the same.

A luta continua.
 Apr 2017 emil hernried
I go in cicles but never get closer,
alway behind you watcing your back,
and if someday this ride stops,
it will keep on spinning in my head.
I am not the girl
Who the boys
Buy flowers to
Or love endlessly

I am not the girl
Who the girls
Want to be
Or be with

I am the girl
Who writes sad
Poems and listens
To music late a.m.
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