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2.0k · Apr 2016
ElliJune Apr 2016
When the numbness sets in
And my fingers run cold
I find who I once was
There at the bottom
Clutching what’s left
Of the warmth that I held
Clear brown eyes
To feel the sun's warmth
Down days happen, it's okay.
1.4k · Apr 2016
Desperate for Air
ElliJune Apr 2016
Depression is drowning
Holding your breath
Cheeks puffing, lungs screaming
But hoping
That if you just
Hold on just long enough
You’ll finally get
That breath of air
As the pressure builds

Anxiety is thinking
That the moment
You release your air
From your desperate lungs
That nothing
Will replace what you had
Even as it built
Pent up inside
That was still keeping you
1.3k · Mar 2016
When I See You
ElliJune Mar 2016
Do you watch me break
When our eyes meet
Can you feel me shatter
When you speak to me
Can you see me die inside
When I watch you leave
I saw my Ex yesterday and then this happened.
833 · Mar 2016
ElliJune Mar 2016
I know I don’t need you
But the desire is still there
I know we had to end
But it still doesn’t feel fair

All that I thought
Was that you were the one
You gave me some purpose
Even now that we’re done

You will always be
The thing I can’t reach for
The vision of who you might be
Is something I will always adore

I had to learn it the hard way
That soulmates aren’t yours forever
But I will always have a part of you
A part that I’ll never manage to sever

I’ll learn to live with the cancer
Because Love is not a gift
May you always suffer
And may we forever drift
478 · Mar 2016
One Puzzle Piece Missing
ElliJune Mar 2016
When I saw you
I gave you my heart
And when the day came
That you dropped my gift
It burst and shattered
Into thousands of shards
I picked them up
One by one
And as I finished
You bent down
Scooped up the biggest piece
And slipped it into your pocket

— The End —