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1.) You had more spiders in your house than friends, and you liked it that way.
You said they taught you not to fear the dead, but rather the living.
Sometimes I wish you never embraced death so much.

2.) I've collected memories of you like fireflies in glass jars and I hid them beneath the floorboards because I'm scared the glass will break
and I'll have to watch you fly away again.

3.) You were six foot and three inches of religious metaphors deeply rooted in your veins
and I think that's why you injected so much sin.

4.) I wish I could show you that the world is twice as big as we had thought
but there's still a lack of soil fertile enough for bodies like ours to grow.
I would have cut holes in the ozone if it meant I could give you the rain.

5.) It would have been your twenty third birthday on Monday and I just hope I finally get the courage to visit your grave.

6.) I don't believe much in the idea of god, but I believe firmly in your ghost.
I don't believe in hell, I think the concept is too fragile and the principal too impressionable.
But for your sake, I sure do hope there's a heaven.

7.) Sometimes I wake up at midnight and call your old number just praying that it was all a dream. But the only dream is the one where you tell me it wasn't my fault and the awakening is knowing that it was.

8.) I still don't have it in me to say your name out loud.

9.) I don't think I've been happy since 2011 and I miss you every day,
but I miss you most in the month of September because that's when it all just slipped away.
You think love is a potion in a bottle.
It's a bullet in the barrel.

Why break your heart,
when you could break everything in the shadow of a cliff.

You think love is the thread of a tapestry.
It's a knot in the rope.

Why fall in love with perfection,
when you could just put a gun to your head?
 Sep 2015 Elizabeth Sommers
it’s cute how my eyes chase after his face
how it is the only thing can be defined by them
and when our eyes accidentally met
they create such affection that can't be helped
but me and he can never be we
cause our faith puts too many brakes on our hearts
that might as well breaks them apart
 Sep 2015 Elizabeth Sommers
The answer is yes yes yes
Yes I do

The question is so much more complex than this

On a subtle level I'm at peace
On a physical level I'm
What the hell
But just because I can
I will
 Sep 2015 Elizabeth Sommers
I want love-
Not the little love
That makes the
heart skip, and
The face blush.
I want to indulge in the Love
That ignites the Spirit

The love that fills all voids,
Heals all grievances,
has no boundaries,
No limits,
no preconceived notions.

I want the love
That is contagious by presence.
The love that
eradicates insecurities
And replaces them with ecstasy,
I want the kind of love
That sets people free.

I don't want the love
That beats around the bush.
I want the love that
down my door,
Sets my heart
a blaze,
And keeps
the fire.
The original works and writings of Jason Deegan.
All Rights Reserved. ©2015
I pour myself into
your glass each night,
a toxic taste, I beg
for you to choke on.

You drain our bottle
dry, drinking desert
laps but still thirsting
for Pacific oceans.

Delving into firework
taste-buds, savouring
how we spill so easily in
nights drunken palms.

Telling me I'm cheap
stuff, liquid eyes that
keep you sober, but are
still a tempting sip.
© copyright
 Sep 2015 Elizabeth Sommers
no words could describe
her thoughts
no colours could paint
her pain
she stood
the colourless
I'm afraid to love you
For people always seeking new
I'm not telling that it is you
Just old things treasured by few
Everything is good as blossoming flower,
Could we make it fresh in forever?
I couldn't risk what is left of me
Unsure of the love you promise
Don't get me wrong, we feel the same I know
Fearing to lose the love once more.
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