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Touch me,
it doesn't matter where
and it doesnt matter how
I need to know I'm still alive
so someone touch me now
Shake my hand and say hello
or pat me on the back
kiss me on the cheek
that I may feel this sense I lack
slap my face and pull my hair
make me bleed I just don't care
dig your nails into my skin
so I can feed this need within
I've been numb for such a time
that even pain would be sublime
so touch me, touch me now
I don't care where, I don't care how
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
When you look at the world what do you see
what do you think each morning and each night
do you see a different world or the same one your grandparents lived in.
When you breath in the air
drink the water
eat the food
do you feel a difference do you sense the damaged world

The planet is old
we are young
but we attack it like it's a threat to us
it gave life, so much life
it continues to give
maybe younger generations
the young people old people moan about
can fix the world, can fix the problems created
previous generations tried destroying things
maybe younger generations will be able to repair them
I understand
that sometimes the shaking of my hands
and the constant flowing of my tears
gets to be too much for you.

I understand
that the ever changing nature
of my being
is often your biggest fear.

I understand
how you would rather travel these rocky roads
with someone
who is at least a little bit stable.

I understand
that this is how you feel
but I wish you had loved me enough
to take my obvious imperfections for granted
and had dug deep enough
to meet the person whose smile only lights her face
for you.
 Sep 2014 Elizabeth Larsen
JM Ang
How do you forget someone who is a part of your soul?

Do you drown yourself in liquor and hope it drowns out his voice in your mind?

Do you scrub your skin raw and hope to get rid of the surface that he has once touched?

Do you try to feel nothing and hope it numbs the pain of losing him?

Do you try to forget and hope that you never see him again?

I have been trying for so many years

And still you remain there

Untouched like the shirt you left behind

Completely still and seemingly lifeless

Yet it lives inside of me
 Sep 2014 Elizabeth Larsen
It used to come like breathing
Simple, straightforward.
now its different, you make it
Clear and unclear. I cant tell.
Wanted or unwanted
You don't if you want me to
leave or stay
I want to stay.

I actually stopped chewing charcoal
stopped spitting dark words
stopped so you wouldn't have to
cover your face whenever I said
Im back now, not that great
but good enough. You could
do much better. But I hope you'll
Stay. Hello.
Im just very confused and very not confused? Does that make sense?
I must decide which words to shout
Which words to whisper
Which words to scream
Which words to silence
Which words to say in monotone
And where my voice cracks
Now we're back
To the beginning of the same sentence
I must decide where to look
Where to look for you
Where to look for piece of mind
And it's the confines in which you restrain your mind that dictate how you define
"Are you okay?"
 Sep 2014 Elizabeth Larsen
Now I am seen begging for help
because I cannot tell if it's love,
or if I am just so ******* lonely that
I have confused poison with the taste of vanilla.
Like a dear friend, I constantly welcome the
harsh bitterness that you bring, and it seems that
I am blind to a game that everyone else sees you playing.
Please, if I do crash, do not let me burn.
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a girl who had no ears
Could not hear of the world’s fears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a boy’s vision so unclear
He could not see his mother’s tears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a dad who loved his beer
Too drunk to know the end was near
Here's a story for you, dear
About a man who worked cashier
With wish to be an engeneer
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a helpful volunteer
Who most times was insincere
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a woman’s failed pap smear
Preparing for a condition so severe
Here’s a story for you, dear
Although we try to persevere
*We all want to disappear
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