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maxine Nov 2015
''just one more turn mommy!''
but we all only get one turn on this merry go round...
this torturous device spinning for what may seem like a small time but is really eternity.
the lights and music make it seem beautiful and distract you from the chipped paint and broken seat belt leaving you unconnected from the horse.
the kids cheering loving the show but you see the adults all craving for it to be over already.
our lives are all like merry go rounds.
it may be fun for now.
but eventually you'll get dizzy.
and everything will fade.
and you'll just be another horse on the merry go round with a broken seat belt,
waiting for an eager child to ride you.
and they'll be glimmering waiting for the adventure.
and you'll sit there being full of the knowledge of the ride and how it turns out.
but now you're just another horse.
and soon... everyone will just be a horse.
maxine Nov 2015
Memories fade as the seasons change,
and as the year is almost over,
I still remember everything about you.
So much happened this year, sometimes it went fast, sometimes it went unbearably slow. But it's almost over and the memories haven't yet faded.
I fear they never will, it's been so many years now and I can still recollect everything.
  Oct 2015 maxine
Nicole Bataclan
Autumn is a sturdy man
Eager to take your clothes off
What a mess he will leave on the floor

Some dignity hanging on
For as long as possible
But he gets bolder by the day
Complacent to stay.

Autumn is a coy woman
Eager to wear the colors of desire
What a sight she leaves for the beholder

Some courage to resist
As you blow her a kiss
But before she succumbs
She is promised a firework.

Autumn is a seductive game
Here to devour her right away
While withholding for her is foreplay

His approach is raw
She delays her fall
She wanted it to last
But he came too fast.
maxine Oct 2015
i fill these voids inside of me with the things i don't need, the things that i perceive as happiness.
all people have their voids and all people have their fillers.
some have clothes and shoes and jewelry.
some have money and fame and colleagues.
some have ***, drugs and rock and roll.
but when it comes down to it their is still that void, it's just filled to the brim with stocking stuffers.
so once you unclog the drain and all of the things come pouring out, your just a 10 pound brain piloting a slab of meat with a hole inside of you.
the hole that has been scratched out by people and misfortune and lies and deceit.
but you still have your brain... and your slab of meat, which is more than some could say they have.
so you have to move on to the next location with your void... to try and fill it.
but the thing is your still walking around with the problem.
you think that if you move and make new acquaintances the void will be filled and the past will be corked and thrown into the ocean like a bottle floating waiting to be found.
but you can't throw your bottle into the ocean because it's the only bottle you have.
it's the only life you have.
you have to find a way to not avoid the problem or try to get rid of it.
but to put the past in the past and live in your present and continue on with your future.
that's why they call it a present.. because it's a gift to even have one.
I don't know where I was going with this but I haven't written in a week and all of the hardship that I've had even within this week came flowing in and I thought I should write.. I'm going to be moving shortly and I've always been a big 'Oh new year new me.' person but I have to realise it's still me I'm dragging along... and even with this void inside of me I have to find happiness and move on.
Thank you. ♥
  Oct 2015 maxine
Why am I so scared?
When will I be able to be who I really am?
Will I ever be accepted into society?
maxine Oct 2015
sometimes things don't work out like we want them to but that's what leads us to our true happiness.
we are blinded by our perception of how to get there.
but in reality our mess ups are what take us there, and yes it takes time,
but without the time you won't find the real happiness, it'll just be another substitute and another thing we think is enough for us... but we all deserve so much better than what we think.
our idea of happiness and life in a whole is so wrong.
we won't know until it's all over what life is supposed to be like.
until we experience it for the rights and the wrongs.
because that is life, the journey, the occurrence.
not the destination of the ''happiness''.
maxine Oct 2015
don't wait.. because it always ends up being too late.
i'm such a big procrastinator and it gets in front of my happiness...
i wonder what life would be like if i would have made the choices i wanted to rather than waiting and having no choice but to go down the other road.
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