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  Sep 2015 maxine
Liz Hill
Months have rolled by. 
More like trudged past, like boots stuck in mud during the rain.
Your name tastes like mint and memory flavored poison on my tongue, and yet my mind wants to reminisce; remember you as "home". 
But all that you left behind from your invasion was falling brick and a shaky foundation.
I believed that I was the city that held its walls high enough to protect you from the world. 
From yourself. 
But cannon fire rings the loudest when it's fired from within. 
And even still, I find myself forgiving you. 
Not because you deserve my forgiveness, but because these broken and battered walls of my heart can no longer carry the burden of your name.
  Sep 2015 maxine
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
maxine Aug 2015
i made a friend… she left me in the end.

but i had her for a quick moment.

….then was that friendship?
  Aug 2015 maxine
Maria Imran
He was writing me.

And then he decided
that he doesn't want to write me anymore.

So there I was left, hanging;
a rope tightened around my neck: forever choking,
and my feet dangling from the ceiling.

I didn't know what to do because I had no ending.
  Aug 2015 maxine
Lindsay Thomas
I want love
Just as bad as the next person...
But I want a love that can heal--
a love that can fuse together
the shattered and tarnished bits
and make me whole again.

I want a love that electrifies,
amplifies. a love that exemplifies
beauty and truth.
So done being stuffed full of lies,
demonized, anesthetized.
I want feeling, I want meaning.

I need love.
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