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 Oct 2014 DreamReamer
Misty morning,  misty eyed
Rain falling from the sky
Memories fill my head
From last night, the last night
It was the darkest night
I ever have known
A tear fell for each thought I had of you
For each disbelief,
A shot of whisky, or two
You never believed in us, all this time
Never did you bring to the table of concerns, between you and I
Disbelief still lingers in my mind
Lying in the rain,
Erasing time
To think again, of what once was I
living my fantasy
Perhaps out of touch
During a time of what I thought, once was us.
During the dark years of my early high school days,
I was a pretty broken-down, emotional kid.
I use to hate my eyes.
I always wanted to take a fork and gouge'em out.
Just letting it pierce through the tissues and liquids.
Because I hate how it held my emotions in them, my sad background.
I didn't even wanted to look at myself in the mirror, or else I would cry of what I see in them.
I couldn't give eye contacts to people for many years.
I guess, that's when the side bangs came in. So that people wont see my emotions so much.
My bangs became a security blanket since then.
I just really hated the colour of them.
It was nothing but dark grey.
My hands.
I hated the looks of it.
The eczema, blisters, open flesh wounds, all that ruined for me to show'em.
I hated how it looked too boyish like.
People kept asking me questions of the marks on my hands.
It got to a point that I ended up asking my old man to write a note, so that I can wear gloves in class and school.
So it happened.
The gloves became my security blanket that time, and long sleeves.
I'll just put it out there that I use to cut myself too.
But it wasn't anything severely.
I only have one scar(small) on me, though.
It was a different reason,(don't want to talk about it) I went FULL OUT, used scissors and MY TEETH to tear my flesh(top-below the joint part of my wrist on my left hand, barely visible actually).
My blonde hair.
That was tough to cover, since obviously it was the MOST VISIBLE to EVERYONE.
I got picked-on, being called 'dumb blonde'.
I hate people making stereotypical blonde jokes.
I really wanted to change my hair colour so badly. The only thing that stopped me, was that I got use to seeing myself in that colour, not any other.
So for a while, I had to deal with the blonde jokes. v.v
I have no problem with my eyes, besides my vision slowly failing me. I can't see things clearly, starting from 5-10 meters away from me. Sometimes it's worse.
Though, I don't have issues doing eye contact anymore, unless if it's guilt or 'unwanted' desires crawl up on me, then I can't look at that person well.
I clip majority of my bangs aside so that I can see more, with style!~ ;)
I just love to see the world now!
I'm pretty visual.
I'm still not crazy about my eye colour, though I'm neutral with it.
It changes from Grey-Blue-Greenish for some reason....
I don't mind my hands now.
I still got eczema, but it's not so bad now. Now and then I get minor-minor open flesh wounds from blisters.
I love to create stuff with my hands now!
Origami, literature, drawing, artsy-stuff!
I also got work(cashier), so like, I need them....>.>
My hair.
Now it's the envy of people.
Everyone ADORES the colour of my hair,
DREAMS of having it's texture.
Most of all, they would **** to have it, to be born with it!
Sometimes I make sure it ****** people off, because I know they want to have it! XD
I tell everyone that "It's God's only gift to me."
Of course, now,

Heck, I make blonde jokes to myself now! ;u;
You may hate yourself NOW, ****(teehee) in the future, you'll end up LOVING EVERY BIT OF YOU!~
Believe me~ ^_^
Give it time and experience~
 Oct 2014 DreamReamer
In one moment
Everything is different
Things shift
People change

In that moment
Everything came to a stop
Things became blurry
People vanished.

In our moment
Everything was quite
Things slowed
We were so close

In the moment
You pulled me closer
We locked eyes
Then your lips were on mine

In one moment
Everything was different with us.
Things became greatly shifted
And people watched as I
Fell for you again.
I’ve been told
that my touch
is like knives,
and I tend to
leave scars
when I get to
know people.

You claimed
to be scared
of commitment,
yet I can see the
tattoos that cover
your skin.

I guess the pain
of me wasn’t
worth it because
I can feel myself
fading from your
skin and I hope
everything is dull
compared to me.
Goodnight moon
I surely must retire

If I said I wasn't tired
I'd surely be a liar

As the coming dawn approaches
and with it the bright days sun

The coming moons promise
of dark enlightened fun
off to bed ,long day,goodnight all

It has rounded
when you can't see the end of the road
you seem those eyes have a limit
but you see the sky that moves beyond the limit

It has looped
when you loved her first since you have been missing over the life
you are growing older
but you can't see the end that is beyond the death

It has dreamed again
when autumn is glowing with shrubs of white flowers
you have looped within your dreams
dreams are running with drifted white clouds, its gravity beyond the imagination

It grew love
when you told me a simple word, its feeling is more than the love
now the toys of early day's have broken
but still the broken gadgets have glittered beyond the lights of hope

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
sometimes love, hopes and dreams are beyond...................

— The End —