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Diane Puckett Oct 2016
Your love for me is like a black currant-
Red and pink inside.
You are wild outside, but sweet and tender inside.
Make me a promise to never grow old for your love for me.
I will never grow too old to have love for you.
What do you do when you have no-one to talk with?
I think of you, and how close you are to speak with.
Every day my heart grows fonder of you and your love for me.
When does your love end?  Mine is never-ending, it never leaves,
and it will never fade.
What does your love garden grow?  Mine grows flowers and currants,
all in a neat little row.
When you are gone, my love still goes on.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar canes are sweet, and you are, too!
Where do you go when you need someone who cares?
I just look at your picture next to my bed, and I know that you will always be there.
Letters are great, but hugs are cheaper.
When you need a letter, I’ll give you a hug if it’s cheaper.
Your love for me is like the night sky.
I’ll always know when you’re coming by.
When the moon is high, you’ll be coming by.
We meet at the middle of the month, and the end of the month, with no changes
to tear us apart.
If it is the middle of the month, I know we will be off to a great start.
Your love for me is like a diamond-a diamond in the rough.
You make my heart beat faster, and a diamond makes your love start faster.
But, I don’t need any stinking diamonds.  Give me a hug-it’s cheaper, and more
loving than a case of diamonds in the rough.
Love is hard to last, but I know what is even more tough.
Having no-one to talk with with times get tough.
And, you help with both of those-love and someone loving to talk with through
thick and thin.
You are mine, and I know we will always win!!  Love you until time stands still,
or until someone makes us choose love or our favorite pill!
Just joking, I love you still!!
My heart is growing fonder of my loved one-that's why I wrote this new poem-to show his love for me after 7 months together.  This is October 8, 2016.  In 8 days, it will be my 7 month anniversary.
1.0k · Jul 2016
The Life We Choose
Diane Puckett Jul 2016
Life is always beautiful and colorful.
But I'm not so sure I'm ready to be joyful.
Dear friends, and soulmates-clear your duties for today.
For, now is the day for getting free of things in our way.
Dear friends- we don't need a long time.
Just some free room and some free air to roam around, and feel  free.
Don't judge us by the burdens we have.
But, by the activities we choose or refuse.
Call it an instinct, or an intuitive feeling;
I've got my life in order for the dealing.
You've got troubles, I've got mine!
Diane Puckett Nov 2016
What does it cost-for a penny for your thoughts?
In the worldly person's view-

What is a penny-but a way to tell, for sure, the amount
and cost of things, not always understood right away.

I see a penny on the floor-and I never pick it up-no
not anymore.

It would just be another crumb to add to my pocket-book-
another way of telling how much more I have to spend on just
a little nook.

Let another worldly dweller pick it up, and then they can tell,
for sure, how much they have to pay for things.

They would always have a need for it, more than me now.

I could always add a penny, when I take too much of my time
taking a penny!
725 · Jul 2016
Blossoms and trinkets
Diane Puckett Jul 2016
Blossoms of orange, or ferns of green- They have made the most wonderful sights anyone on this Earth have ever seen.
Trinkets of pink, and memorbillias of blue- they'll be making history a-new!
Take a few minutes here to just unwind.
You'll know you've come to precious Heaven, when you can understand the workings of your mind.
Pictures overlapping, and falling all around-This is a special gift-Full of memories abound.
The memories, now, we can see, are blossoms of love when we let them all be!  Let them be.
Diane Puckett Sep 2016
Life is always beautiful and colorful.
But, I'm not so sure I'm ready to be joyful.
Dear friends, and soulmates-clear your duties for today.
For, now is the day for getting free of things in our way.
Dear friends-we don't need a long time.
Just some free room and some free air to roam around in, and feel free.
Don't judge us by the burdens we have.
But, by the activities we choose or refuse.
Call it an instinct, or an intuitive feeling;
I've got my life in order for the dealing.
You've got troubles, I've got mine!
199 · Oct 2017
Two Fools at a Hotel
Diane Puckett Oct 2017
Well she’s on a field trip, and I’m on myvacation.
We, just now, met in the middle of the Hotel,
where they have a griddle.
It’s morning time.
But, we both had a little wine.

I had a French Toast.
But, I think she had the most.
Mine was all covered in blueberry jelly;
And, she was filling her plate-to fill her belly.
Oh, yeah, we met in the middle of the Hotel.
154 · Mar 2020
Health Before Frolicking
Diane Puckett Mar 2020
I can have a cookie;
and grape juice today!
Yet, I cannot have the
protein drink, or
another coffee and cream
with a cookie!
For, I am on a small health-
diet, and I need to be healthy, and
never let food stand in my way!
So, I will frolic, to and fro;
On this small holiday;
Though not be too spritely,
And yet not melancholy!
For, the spring is, very soon,
on its way!
This poem was written during Saint Patrick's Day!  It got me going for the day, to think about doing great on my new diet plan!  I have been working on being on this diet plan for 2 months already, almost!  Give me some encouragement!
135 · Mar 2020
Lilac in bloom
Diane Puckett Mar 2020
The lilac bush there
Makes a perfume when in bloom
And you have Spring soon!

— The End —