I break through the barriers
You set in my life
Look past the decisions
That took your future out of sight
You didn’t see the hope
That could’ve made your breath matter
You just took that needle
And watched your dreams shatter
I was always told
That your laugh was contagious
You’d light up that room
Like nobody else, they’d say this
I wish I could just see it
To see you at your best
Even when you hid the scars
Buried underneath your chest
I wish they didn’t judge you
I wish they just loved you
I wish they didn’t show you hatred
But told you,
you could make it
Because even a gloomy moon’s reflection
Can show the light
A man with no direction
Still has a reason to fight
A man with no good intentions
Can still choose what’s right
A man with no vision
Still has sight
You just had to look.
Look past the corruption
To understand that the
Idols led to nothing
The ****** that filled your veins
That caused you pain
That controlled your brain
That made you go insane
Was not an unbreakable chain
People tell me I shouldn’t
Think about my past
They say it’s only my future I should grasp
They say I can’t learn anything
From the life you lived
Cause the decisions you made
Have nothing to give
But dad,
I don’t listen
I think of you often
I try to understand
The purpose of your coffin
I try to understand
Why you wanted to be forgotten
I try to understand
Why you thought your life was rotten
Because that is far from the truth
You were just strapped to a bomb
You didn’t know how to diffuse
So you did teach me something
That no matter the mess
I will never give up on the people
Society defines helpless
Or turn my back
on someone who’s in distress
Because they’re lost
And they forget what it feels like to be blessed
And so I want to live
My life so I can prove
That no matter your situation
It can be renewed
And no matter the chains
They can be removed
Because the life we live
Is not a life to loose
Because even a gloomy moons reflection
Can show the light
A man with no direction
Still has a reason to fight
A man with no good intentions
Can still choose what’s right
A man with no vision
Still has sight.
You just have to look.
For my dad.