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 Jan 2017 Devin Lawrence
a kiss blended in warm linen
of delicate Texas breeze
and star-skied lemonade
your eyes,
in them reside
eternal beauty

I'd take you to the moon
just to   show you the world.
Under the night sky. Inspired to the sound of "I want You" by Bob Dylan.
 Sep 2016 Devin Lawrence
Feed me your mouth,
      so I can satisfy my desires
       with the taste of our destiny.
       I long for the rush,
       from our lips, when they touch.
     symbols of each other,
signaling one another,
    our body language,
   speaking to,

Lost in forever,
the moment consumed,
by passion
Touches her, touches him
Hold hands, I can hear me scream
Take away what was mine
Trouble seems to be on time
between light and darkness
I stretch like a shadow
Hoping it will hurt less
When I find he's hollow
Possibilities turn to insecurities
Beating hearts go wild
As words become oathes
And fierce fires burn mild
You can say anything.

talk about the trees. and the butterflies and how love feels

or some ****

But to be a good poet

you have to practice, think about what sounds better

learn the long words

or the advancement of gramar

bend the rules after you've learned them.

and take pride in the fact that I AM A POET

print business cards or some ****

buy a leather jacket and always carry a writing book.

tell lovers pretty things that weave you in mystery


to be a GREAT POET

just write the truth

and tear the world apart
 Aug 2016 Devin Lawrence
 Aug 2016 Devin Lawrence
Today is about missing you.
Yesterday was about myself,
and Tomorrow it will be my turn
once again.
But no one can replace you
on my calendar of absentminded thoughts
because if the day after Tomorrow
you said you would leave the one
you're tied to,
I would knit you a sweater from the knots
you entwined in my heart.
It will be winter when you leave her,
but I will be building a fire -
and for the days after that Tomorrow,
I'll like you in that sweater
but I'd love keep you warm.
We have a future built inside my mind that has been carved into nothing more than a fading history that will never be taught.
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