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Destiny C Nov 2016
Euphoria takes you to places above the clouds,
Floating with the wind.
Not a ****** pleasure,
Just a visceral high.

Clarity within the mind,
The heart unrestricted in the body.
With a gentleness of child.

Euphoria floods the system deep,
Breaking past all levees of pain.
Destiny C Jul 2016
Does my blackness offend you?
Is my hair too curly for you?
Are my hips too wide for you?

My dark brown skin glows with all the melanin I have been gifted with.
My lucious thick hair is filled with curls that bounce with every stride I take forward, away from oppression.
My hips sway perfectly with the drums beating in the air of the Mother land.

Does my athletism bother you?
Is my intelligence too much for you?
Are my people beneath you?

My athletic feats have been studied by generations of white Americans who have hoped to find an extra ligament in my leg.
My intelligence has been the reason for many inventions all over the world.

My people will rise above , always have , always will.

My people will be given justice where it's due.

My people will be heard , just like the drums from the Mother land.
Destiny C Apr 2016
Sweet sound of bitter silence.
My breath echos with every exhalation.
I can almost hear the course of my blood as it flows through my veins.
No more tormenting voices.
No more pandemonium around.
Just my blissful ignorance and I.
Wasting away in this bitter beautiful silence.
A silence so pure , I could die in it's arms
Destiny C Apr 2016
Nourish the minds all around.
Yours may lack a strong foundation
easily withered
Easily shaken- concussed.
But nourish the minds all around.
They will give your mind reason to thrive.
They will return the favor.
But if it's too late , the wisdom given to the minds will not perish but enter the everlasting cycle of apportioning to other minds.
Wisdom is knowledge.
lack of wisdom is lack of knowledge.
Destiny C Mar 2016
Oh, Icarus
Primary example of the human folly.
The wings and feathers destroyed by the heat of a sun you thought you could bear.

Oh, Icarus
You are a foolish one.
Excessive ambition never makes it to see the light of day.
You had too much hope in yourself.
Your pride took you away.

Oh, Icarus
The words of Daedalus fell upon death ears.
Failure to heed to a warning was your demise.

Oh, Icarus
Wings so mighty and beautiful.
What I would do to fly so high.
To soar above the clouds and meet the beautiful rays.

Oh, Icarus
Fly back to the sun.
Melt your wax and ruin your feathers, once more.

Oh, Icarus
We need someone brave enough to fly close to the sun.
Plummet into the ocean again after , if you must.
Every human here is lily-livered.
#icarus #ambition #human #folly #Daedalus #wings #fly #feathers #brave
Destiny C Mar 2016
To never be good enough is an indescribable feeling.
No matter how much you want happiness, you feel like you never deserve it.
People can reassure you , but deep down in your heart , you know it's true.
You're useless
You're good for nothing.
You can't do even the simplest mundane task without feeling worthless.
The world would be a better place without you.
Your existence means less than a grain of salt.
With no rhyme nor reason,  why are you still here?
Are you meant to serve a greater purpose?
You just can't fathom it yet.
Your mind is useless too.
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