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 Dec 2017 natalie
after 1 or (two) drinks and one (2) many glances into your eyes
kissing my neck feels less like
a compromise; feels less like an uncorked
bottle of half-priced lies, feels less
grimy, no longer a cheap disguise
for a dolled-up girl with one (2) many drinks
who can't stop looking
in your eyes.
can we talk about the fact that i had 'feisty' spelled wrong in my bio for like 3 months and none y'all told me
 Dec 2017 natalie
you fill me with
the kind of
that makes me want
to dig up the bones
of antique cities
but if you asked me if
i wanted to just
curl up underneath covers
twinkling lights and
limbs twisted and entangled
i’d go get the blankets.
let’s be soft for a while.
And yet she moves, silently,
spinning and swirling endlessly
revolving, around a rousing star,
elegant ballet stealing radiance

indulging in warmth, in glacial
space unfathomable sphere
of incandescence, fluid rubicund
lava leisurely turning into blue

water, mystifying evolution
randomly combining hydrogen
and oxygen elements to unfold,
a liquid carpet englobing

all, to the mercy of a pale
faced moon, meticulously keeping
a distance so perfect and rare
to bear, mutating molecules

spontaneously deciding to form
cells, eager to evolve slowly
birthing life in its depths, breathing
to ensure, generous exchange

a fair give and take, a cycle where
harmonic balance is
the orchestrated oeuvre
of an omnificent composer

inventing notes of gravity,
creating abstruse species
out of fantasy, only to craft
itself a witness, capable

of understanding the amazing
wonders it ceaselessly unfurls.
On Earth
 Nov 2017 natalie
euphoria meant nothing
until i heard you say my name.
points have never mattered,
never knew i was playing the game.
melodies through the speakers
running miles in my sneakers
away from all this mess
to happiness
to your arms
to the front seat of your car
wherever you are
 Nov 2017 natalie
 Nov 2017 natalie
oh the boy in yellow
little fragile fellow
dancing on top of the seats
of an empty music theater

he yearns to twirl on stage
and destroy the bars of his cage
voice so loud of joy today
he sang his heart away.
This is for the dreamers.
 Nov 2017 natalie
blue mercury
he leans in to kiss you. his lips graze yours, a careful brush, so close but not close enough, as the two of you breathe the same air. his breath is warm, his body is warm, everything about him is so warm when you feel so cold. next to him you feel like ice. and his touch melts your cool skin, and you’re melting, melting, gone. you’re kissing him, your chapped lips on fire. your baby is the sun and yes, you know this is going burn eventually. it burns already anyway. but you’d burn into ashes for him. you’d fade for him until there was none of you left.

his gaze leaves nothing of you. you burn until you smolder every time he looks your way. he’s older than you, and it’s almost like he’s lived so many centuries before this one. and he calls you “my love” and “baby boy” and he makes you feel soft even when you’re sweat drenched, even when your skin tastes like the ocean.

you’re on fire, but it’s alright. / there’s pain in this desire, but nothing’s felt more right.

icarus, your baby is a fire.
your baby is a thousand fires.
your baby is a thousand fires,
and each one is so beautiful,
that you don’t mind
how heated
things are getting.

this love is tragic, dear icarus.  and although you know it’s going to **** you, or maybe even because you know it’s going to **** you, you can’t stop loving him, and the heat radiating from his skin.
 Nov 2017 natalie
Lappel du vide
run a finger down my throat, i dare you
it would be searing like mid-august pavement in california
when you try to walk with naked feet and
my guts feel like a frying pan
each of my insides are steaming

if i moaned, i'd fog all of the windows one by one
thats why when i feel passionate
when i touch myself in this tiny apartment
with legs as long as lady bugs, and a patience that wears as thin
as nylons in spring--
i shut my mouth.

bumps and bruises run across my vision
red scales like slick snakes and
a rumbling like pebbles after rain that when
you crunch on them, it sounds like a series of
small bones,
there is a certain sourness to my teeth:
dinner was pickles from the jar
johanna gave them to me after i dumped my
cigarettes into a flower vase.

"its an art project"
really its a self care project so my lungs don't have to
pop out burnt from the toaster.

 Nov 2017 natalie
 Nov 2017 natalie
here is my love
concealed within a box
open it,
and the love will die.
you must trust in me that it is here.
I'll give you my love,
but I need your gold trust.
this is my view on love inspired by Schrödinger's cat
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