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 May 2016 natalie
Clare Coffey
My music will fill your soul
I will rock you all night long
I will be your melody
I am woman I am song

I will take you by the hand
I will be your second chance
Ever moving ever changing
I am woman I am dance

I will watch you when you sleep
I will set your mind at ease
I am your serenity
I am woman I am peace

I will keep you in my heart
I will be your safest place
I am your life's blessing
I am woman I am grace

I will help you smile again
I will fix what men destroy
I am all your happiness
I am woman I am joy

I will catch and hold your heart
I am what you're dreaming of
I will stand by you a lifetime
I am woman I am love

I am steadfast I am kind
I will not let love grow cold
More precious than red rubies
I am woman I am gold

I will dry the tears you cry
I will go to any lengths
To shield you from life's fury
I am woman I am strength

I am alive with passion
I will be your heart's desire
I will light your darkness
I am woman I am fire

I will never lie to you
Whether life is rough or smooth
Because honesty is freedom
I am woman I am truth

I will be your nourishment
I will be your loving wife
I will bear you children
I am woman I am life

I will never stop believing
In you till the end of days
I will nurture your spirit
I am woman I am faith

I will never let you down
I will celebrate your story
Lift you up on wings of hope
I am woman I am glory

I will love you as you are
I will embrace your flaws
In this and every lifetime
I am woman I am yours
A celebration of womanhood and all that we are
 May 2016 natalie
Julie Butler
 May 2016 natalie
Julie Butler
I imagine outer space to feel like this.
no matter what, I can't lie down.
seeing a star that close made
all else seem
so much less bright.
I'm unimpressed.
I just want to love again but, you left that spell on me.
my eyes don't see color anymore,
my arms aren't reaching.
you printed poems onto my bones.
my mouth won't let me say marvelous and my hands quit thinking.
I'll turn to dust like this darling.
I'll be a little sandstorm on your
shore for awhile and
dizzily dissolve into your
winsome crashing.
 Dec 2015 natalie
Georgia Harkess
Hollowed and empty seemed to be your tune

Playing on the piano in the crowded room

Soulless eyes the color of grey blue

Glimmered in the candlelight of your hollow tune

The waiter came over and a drink appeared

A red glass of wine it could have been tears

You sipped slowly as you play along

Beating out tunes to a sad sad  song

I sat and wondered what made you this way

Who was she, did your heart she play?

Was it a passionate love or was it lust

Did she really care or was it a bust?

I guess I will never know the truth

Walking out to your lonely tune…
 Dec 2015 natalie
Georgia Harkess
It’s the bits and pieces that I let you see

The parts of which fall from me

Like the ****** tears from the crying stone

Gathering around, but I’m still alone

Smiling and laughing as I die inside

Nothing to gain nothing to hide

Wishing that someone would just care

Seeing that no one is really there

Am I just a ghost or really here?

Not knowing the answer is my worst fear

You see me, you see through me

No acknowledgement no apathy

This is all that’s left of  me…
"my thoughts have aligned themselves as poetry"

*doesn't that make them even more beautiful?
 Dec 2015 natalie
Bella Kiilani
"Babe, you were my last thought in 2014, and now you're my first thought in 2015...
I love you."

That's what I texted you last year, at midnight, on New Years Eve.
You replied with, "Aw, thanks."

It's December 28th, 2015, and I haven't gone a day this year without you on my mind.
I don't think anyone understands what I feel towards you, you especially don't.

I feel like at one point you might have loved me.  Now I feel like you tolerate me, but even that can only last for so long.

I've spent a year loving someone who didn't love me back.  I've spent a year trying to make things work, with someone who never cared to try.  I don't think it was the healthiest year for me.  But the thing is, I can't blame anyone for it. It's been my choice, and it always has been.  I choose to make this year about you, I choose to put you first, I keep picking you.

Will 2016 be another year of you?  I guess it's my choice, let's see what I pick.
My own mother hurt me with words today
She asked me why I have no friends
I told her
The people I thought were my friends lie to my face
Talk behind my back
And invite everyone except me to hang out.
My mom said
"You've given me the same reasons since you were 3
I'm starting to think it's not everyone else
It's you
You're un-friendable."
It's a made up word that cuts real wounds
She said if I weren't so different and kooky
And didn't make people feel awkward
Then maybe I'd learn to be like them.
Well if being myself means
I can't be shown the same respect as everyone else
Why would I want to have friends anyway
 Dec 2015 natalie
I guess
I'm just scared
You'll wake up one day
And tell me you don't love me

Because if you did
I wouldn't know
Where to put
All this love
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