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Mar 2015 · 1.1k
deepthi suresh Mar 2015
It looked like a bright lit morning.

She was awake and avoided frowning,

A sleep of five more minutes,

Could have made the day seem finite.

Wet boots and a beige coat,

Hung awaiting a sunny day ahead.

Blinded by million thoughts in riot,

She scanned in haste her heavy mind.

Sirens rang in symphony afar,

Reminding her to close the door ajar,

She had her clipboard and note,

Waiting for her ride to the station.

Brand new case remained out in the open,

A little boy had been violently murdered,

This was not one not two but a total of seven,

Worried parents of runaways harboured around.

Who could it be stared the white board?

Who has the absence of heart to commit this deed?

Subordinates blanked with only dead-end,

Clues were nil and everybody drew a blank instead.

But there was something in common,

Faces of children expressed utter calm.

Were they lost in a wondrous dream?

Seventh child yet unclaimed  waited in vain.

She looked on for hours together,

Until she had a brain wave to ponder deeper,

Off she took her police motorbike,

To the drug peddlers and ruffians she had to seek.

Had she seen this boy earlier?

Around the red light of a traffic signal,

With his eyes raining clouds of heavy shower,

Just doing his part to get two square meal.

Questioning all around downtown,

Where runaways gathered upon,

Boys, girls, young adults in their teen,

Rugged, ***** but in need of touch very humane.

She wondered about the mayhem!

Were their choices made for them?

She realised all the seven missing ones,

Had once worked for a scrawny girl.

To let go her doubts,

For this reminded her once failure to close,

A case so horrific that gave her the nightmares.

She took her partner in search of the girl,

Off they rode on the horizon,

For minutes,  for hours until dawn,

To find the deserted family in ruin.

Questions, answers, clues were collected,

And a revelation was horrifically found,

A girl in the midst of a family so profound,

Was assaulted, abused, ***** and her innocence robbed.

Until with an ounce of courage and vengeful mind,

She ran away till her legs no longer could.

On her trail did they follow,

To town after town astonishingly mellow,

Leaves on the paths so yellow,

Reminded of her horrid days that had made her shallow.

They followed with deep angst,

The stories that unfolded cried screams of disgust,

All her victims abused and mutilated,

As she laid the stones of thirst and distrust.

The trail stopped and kills ended,

Had she stopped for good?

Or taken a break to pray give authorities a ride?

Days, months, years passed.

The case picked dust as expected.

Yet another bright lit morning,

And a child had gone missing,

Was she back and killing?

As the police bagged the wet boots and a beige coat!
This is my second attempt at a narrative poetry and my first under the mystery genre. enjoy :)
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Mundane Pain
deepthi suresh Jan 2015
In the midst of cotton fields,
the blood stained parched mud.
The footprints deeply imprinted,
did they walk with a future unheard,
A scene from a western entertainment.
The reality however frightened,
with thoughts of ancient past,
and you wonder how and why?!!
Why the instances of violent thrill?
To belittle the powerless under your control.
Why the question of untouchable and discontent?
The question to freedom pertained throughout,
by many great souls over  a period of time?
The cheap skill all around,
once and forever for granted,
the then degradation of human mind,
continues to speed up phony mundanity.
In the lost time with unknown souls,
wishing for a priceless touch,
a brush with the everlasting feel,
of forgotten past,to play the note of enrichment,
With a love so pure found in a fantasy.
And there she walks away
with a whipped back into her glorious world reluctantly,
looking for a bright Sunday morning.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Strange Love ?
deepthi suresh Jan 2015
Pain,despair worry,
I see on faces as I stepped into  a new city.
Children with hidden smiles,
Youth with lost dreams.
Disappearing into sea -like crowd.
Never did I know life was hard,
As I paused and looked around.
Lady dragging a cart,
Child begging on the street,
and then the sun set,
Leading way to a magical night!
Mumbai in its glory,
Where everyone lived on in merry,
Where old dreams were yesterday’s worry,
City of maximum mystery.
I was hopelessly in love with.
I strolled along in a dreamer’s path,
As the night passed by.
The first time I visited Mumbai,the city had a strange effect on me.I despised it from the moment I saw the slums and high rises side by side,outlining poor and the rich so accurately.To read about the rich-poor gap is something but to see it was something else.It did take me quite a while to get used to this horrifying difference.However the minute I figured out the enigmatic spirit of the people of Mumbai I fell in love with this beautiful city.Despite all its differences going forward day after day  while  the queen's necklace shines on and people from all walks of life takes a break to see the beautiful sun setting past the skyline.
Jan 2015 · 571
Silenced Pine
deepthi suresh Jan 2015
A cold winter night,

absence of a star light,

Swinging mood around the wild,

who goes there wonders your mind?!

Alone grasping every inhuman sound,

you gasp under your breath with fright.

Is it an illusion that took you for a fool?

or a reality that succumbed you to  a defeat?

Meadows,green grazes,speak a fainting truth,

into unheard stories their lives unravel.

And you stop .Alas you miss the cries of faith,

calling for the good that went missing.

Where art thou? Investigating with only courage,

hidden in the scrambled emotions screaming with rage.

And you react  with momentary mild vexation,

until a like or a trend  directs you to distraction.

Come together we sing in silence,

Come together,we hope in and we stride on

Come together we hold our melting candles  and pine.

Was it all in vain or do we open our eyes ?
Jan 2015 · 842
Tribute to Interstellar
deepthi suresh Jan 2015
The darkness engulfed over the billions.

massacres,droughts,crazy radicals across the nearby horizons.

In every direction he looked around far and near,

the sphere of a way out was right there,

midst the galaxies of universes.

The ghost of future present and past,

made its presence in his loved room felt.

His love,his reason for memories tried harder to decipher!

The darkness sent lines thick and thin in desperate,

he and his love prayed quietly in astonishment !

Adventure was knocking at him to go explore.

He followed in the dark with his jeep lights for ever,

to be captured by a strange block of soldier.

The dying world reminds him to be a pioneer.

His love says stay, but off he goes in tears the traveler.

In search for a world to survive, to save the memories of his love,

with handful of explorers into the dark universe of hope.

Through the miracle of shortcut to space-time,

he wondered how and who was helping them move!

Blindly they followed into the sphere to a galaxy far far away .

choices were three,two dangerously close to dark magical mystery.

The answer for existence thrived in the center beyond naked reality,

The stuff of life struck them hard once and almost twice!

In despair they returned to endurance from a 23 year long journey,

to find life pass away in messages and hopeful emotions .

The tears of joy and sad falls through and you remember love is the desire.

Love transcends through all dimensions she says, beyond time beyond perspective!

Theory prevails, experience calls on and planet of promise is not a choice,

with a sense of loss, the journey continues to a 134 hours of cold a day!

Sign of  the nonstop signals to  wake up the man,the pioneer,

a hope, a bright light is rekindled in minds of the greats.

But for an unforeseen revelation of plan b the priority.

The realization of leaving love behind and paving ways for a new colony.

decisions are made, selfish self- centered actions leads to a life lost.

Was the pioneer right or the father right?, questions a confused sanity!

Hijacked endurance, explosion in the vast dark space,

Last trial of sheer experience and pulses in a deliberate race.

To hatch on to the mother of hope but to be pulled towards mighty darkness,

Price to pay along with tars, in order to marry the transcendence!

To a physical dimension here being a book-case ,

And it strikes when the non-linear time plays a game.

Where every moment of a little girl is presented by his future,

He plays the mysterious ghost who mingles with past present and future all at once.

And “they” become crystal clear.

It was us helping us  across time and gravity,he says!

with quantifiable love, tremendous distances in time space is closer.

and the journey is made, but to start again in search of the promised world,

where she awaits with love hope and patience!!
This year one of the chief influences that rekindled my love for science and universe was the movie Interstellar.The idea of life,love and universe all being interconnected gives me hope to look beyond the horizon.There I wanted to pay tribute to one of the beautiful movies ever made according to me.Enjoy :)

— The End —