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Deep Feb 2021
Hope is drying up
Like a Well dries after the monsoon,
Sitting in this room, alone and aloof,
I have counted the stains on the wall,
None of it is more prominent than the
One I have with me, I'm a social pariah,
like an untouchable, polluted with death;
Run, Run away from me,
I hold death in my lungs.
Deep Feb 2021
It's just a moment ago we met
And you insist on leaving this early,
Life has just only begun
Let's refrain from putting an end to it,

I'm lost, my love
Closing my eyes, I wait for sleep...
Lines from Song Abhi Abhi
Deep Feb 2021
Deny the fact
Live in a dream...

The reality was not meant
for some of us.
Deep Feb 2021
My life beneath your lies
Your heart in someone's purse,

Sweet days of mine
creating bitter memories...
Deep Feb 2021
How close we are now,
your face on my screen,
My arm seeking your back,
A kiss, pout, thousand gestures,
Typing texts bestowing wide smiles
and staring screen in hope
to never end this moment,
Miles apart yet so close that
the warm breath reach me
Soon you exhale, or at least sound
of it,
How gorgeous these inventions are
making lovers life easy,
sighs cut to half, tears reduced to zero.

I thank that human God
who invented the phone,
And glory to all those
shadowed by the mythical ones.
Deep Feb 2021
So, my love! come
and give me a hug,
or tug me in your mantle
like you do to the wind,

Take me with you
where you go
Inhaling me little by little,
And once I'm all spent,
breath in me life
with a KISS!
Deep Feb 2021
I have not loved you like an earthly creature
but worshipped like God with incessant
offerings and prayers,
How can you turn me down?
I have faith and heart and hope
and love in you,
Yet you keep beguiling me showing
different dreams,
Are you also one of the Greek Olympians?
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