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  Aug 2016 TheVals
Nessa dieR
Before I go, I have to know;
                Your arms
       Did they ache to hold me?
(Just like mine did.)
           Couldn't you care more about
                    (As much as I did.)*
A friend of mine had said we were like passing clouds
We met and together unleashed          
                  Smolders until the forest

But unlike you ,
          I can't resist fire...
                                I'm afraid of it
  Aug 2016 TheVals
Nessa dieR
I tried to shout with no mouth, no tongue, no throat.
but your ears were deafened by the sound of death,
I am nothing but beloved dust
You only listened to my steps as I left,
a hushed sound like the trees,
or the calling out of bells out no nowhere, from somewhere,
my distant grave.
*I am nothing but beloved dust.
TheVals Aug 2016
A bullet left in the magazine
Just let me know who hurt you
As badly as you hurt me.
  Aug 2016 TheVals
What is love?
Like the snow flake falling to the ground
A gentle yet subtle movement straight to the heart
Echoing within the valley of the soul

Christening the wings of the fragile butterfly
Love is the gentle caress of a new borns grip
The sound of the waves flowing slowly to the shore

The gentleness of the breeze as it slides across your face
What is love?
Love is gentle
Pure and divine
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