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 Dec 2015 Cristina
Cat Fiske
he pulled rainbows out of clouds when the skies were dark and grey,
he'd do this day after day,
as if to show her the beauty can show from underneath all the pain.
even though he couldn't make her pain wash away,
he could try to push it back so it would fade to a smile,
making her laugh for just a small while,

his job was to serve her,
and show her how to be happy,
even when happy days came by fewer and fewer for him,
he got up and did his best to make her happy,
pulling the rainbows out of his sorrows and showing her,
see, things aren't always as bad as it seems,
sometimes he wished someone could open their heart up,
and pull there rainbows out and show him how to be happy,
but no one did,

and each day he tried to make her smile,
as she smiled more he smiled less,
and her rainbows grew brighter though,
and his faded into the black and grey of the skies,
as if never to come back,
who ever helps the people, who end up helping everyone else.
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Every morning at 9
She puts on the
banker's disguise
puts her poetry
in a sacred jar
next to the ashes
her husband
her dad
her mom.

She's a river of currents
behind the smile
darkly ******
fly and flower

She not only carries
the keys to the vaults,
but also
the keys to wisdom
She can see right through you
she wants to
She can read your mind

all that makes us human,
These are the currents she rides
floats loans
default swaps

The whole time
she's got on
John Prine's illegal smile

She's watching secret movies
she's alive.

It took many years
to learn to hide
the images
the colors
thought dreams
which flow inside -
while in meetings
behind her eyes
the poetry
from herself, she cannot hide.

The commute ends
The day ends
She unscrews the sacred jar
pen to paper
the currency of poetry
she comes alive,
All disguises
For pm, the only banker I know who truly has a heart of gold. We, poets, we have to put on our masks and head to work.
 Dec 2015 Cristina
the poets
among us
bequeath for
the lines
It has been said we can bequeath not only property but values as well.
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Tear Drop
Today is Christmas and look:
we are all here on the Internet.
Maybe if I had you this Christmas
I wouldn't be here on the Internet.
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Chalsey Wilder
We took from the earth,
*And the earth will take from us.
Maybe mother nature is feeding us our madness back.
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Dead lover
We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a prison and call it a home..

Only if I could die, I could be well,
Since over 7 billion people on this planet,
And not even a single has time for me,
What The hell...

whenever I cry, I just have a blanket,
My friends - they're so busy,
I feel like John Cena -
Saying you can't see me..

Somebody has a life to make,
Somebody is busy in the life already made,
And somebody's somebody has problems from me..
That's what the world's population sounds to me!

I want to die,
I want to end my life,
Maybe a dagger, a bottle of pills,
A gun or just the kitchen knife..

Or else,
Maybe this world could be made a better place,
And this Earth can too have better grace...
Where all are the winners of the same race,
Where there's no religion, no gender and no race..

Where the news  isn't flooded with - murders, robberies, corruption, abduction and ****..

Where people love humanity, and equality,
Where people love animals and are against them the cruelty,
Where mother nature is treated with all the novelty..
And where people don't live for money..

And where there is no liquor, no smoking pipe,
All humans, living a peaceful life..

No army - fighting for borders,
No policemen killing innocent 'cause of orders,
No terrorists no racists,
And humanity has no horrors...

I know that world is kinda impossible to create,
But maybe this does happen,
If  a little  step  we  initiate..

We're so many yet so alone,
We live in a  prison and call it a
Please support humanity!
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Dead lover
Poet -
 Dec 2015 Cristina
Dead lover
I am not a poet,
But a poem,
Just trying to complete myself.
Or maybe,
-I am Completing myself..
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