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 Jan 2017 Irate Watcher
L Seagull
Feeling it with every fiber
Existence and emotion
Calling to escape through vibrations flowing
From your heart and through your mouth
Unnecessary... defend... keep this tender reality
Where it won't be offended
Boundary and self-respect
Must find each other somewhere
On the pages of this year's calendar
Resolution for next New Year's Eve - no mushrooms in the club! Way too raw
I'm still in love
With the way you took my hand
With how you said my name

I'm still in love
With your toothy grin
With your hearty deep laugh

I'm still in love
With the comforting hugs you gave
With how you wiped away my tears

I'm still in love
With a person already gone
With someone that's been replaced

I'm still in love
With the memories
Because, now, it's all I'll ever have.
*kudos to all those who are in the process of moving on and to those who have moved on
Sylvie, I am alone here
doing nothing, except
thinking about you,
in a meditative trance.

It's a beautiful feeling Sylvie
strange, I don't miss you,even!
I imagine you as an awakening  flower
of changing colors and petals
You are in a whirl of realization.

Then a lone tree you are,
near a vast,waveless  lake
what an intriguing  koan,
to churn my inner sea.

You're nowa drifting white cloud
all through the kaleidoscopic shifts
I forget to think,what would I be
in relation with your whims,spectacular

Beyond apparitions, I search for  meaning
that  eludes, as it is fathomless

I hear the song of the lonely star, so near
and realize,"I am the light of the burning star"

Sylvie, I can't remember
neither you nor me exactly
or the distant star that sings
a song in the tunes of light years

You were from the forest, Sylvie
I used to be the mountain wind
that once caressed the forest trees.
Sylvie, we are one; the imagination
of the waves of light, beyond time.
His sparkling eyes,
His golden hair,
His lips sharing their sweetness with mine..

I closed my eyes to feel them........


I had to do it, now!
I unwrapped the shiny silver knife,
The size of my palm from the foldings in my wavy gown,

Had my throat cut while leaving a scar on his face, his blood on my lips...

I fell with teary eyes, looking into his until my last breath....
He was weeping confusedly...
 Dec 2016 Irate Watcher
I head out at twilight
only to return each dawn,
wading the muddied waters
of my youth, and mysteries
of a history misremembered,
or wishfull, wistful memories,
wanting to revisit in dreams
those things that defy the laws
of physics, yet knowing I can't
go back, and each breath I take
reminds me forever of that fact.
 Dec 2016 Irate Watcher
Meg B
My body
feels small as I
stare at the the cracks in the
ceiling and
I am so small in my
my body shrinks and my
eyes glaze;
sandpaper tongue
and dry eyes
breathing stale air
and the cycle goes over and over
crumbling and
cracking and
stumbling in darkness, my
body numb and also


I'd ask where you are but
I don't even
Know who You is and that
is perhaps the most
painful part.
Or maybe it's that I'm so
in my loneliness(no one quite
seems to recall
t heir I solation)

Trees and grapes
I resolve to not need to
solve it;
I need no u's and
know you's
Wary sermons
Bound up tight
Yet back to back - first day, then night.

First white, then black
Then left - now right...
Yet here I perch in weak twilight.

One constant, though,
One faithful rock:
The one shaped to my shoulder's notch

I find my feet,
Outrun defeat,
Collapse where dawn and twilight meet.
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