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Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost,

Upon what distant shore
Dost thou now dwell?
By what shadowy moor,
By chasms of what dale?

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost,

By what pleasant stream,
Oh sweet lover I implore?
Lustrous than my love's cream,
Oh sweet lover I implore?

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost,

By what pleasant glade
Dost thou now rest?
By what slumber shade
Dost thou now nest?

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost,

By what serene bower,
Oh queen of celestial orbs?
By what strange tower,
Oh queen of celestial orbs?

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost

By what novelty fountain,
Oh sweet lover I implore?
By caverns of what mountain,
Oh sweet lover I implore?

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As leaves neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost

Unto my dreams whisper
Wherever thou might be,
By sun, by moon or by star,
Like waves unto shores I'll gravitate.

Thou, long lost lover,
Oh sweet lover long lost
As a worm neath wilted stover
Or leaves neath the frost.

Kikodihno Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
Unto she who will never read it.


STOVER is the leaves and stalks of field crops, such as corn (maize), sorghum or soybean that are commonly left in a field after harvesting the grain. It is similar to straw, the residue left after any cereal grain or grass has been harvested at maturity for its seed.
[K  I  K  O  D  I  N  H  O]

"King he was with a novelty vase,
In it effulgent sonnets fairly shone,
Kaleidoscopic ballads and prose,
Opalescent but all unto his lass alone.
Days into nights didst vade, and nights
Into days, and days again to nights,
Never didst the fair queen of beauty
Have a sight upon this vase that though
Opulent, resplendent, remains a mystery."
 Aug 2019
Hapless Writer
You used to adore me
Then I finally let you in
And now all you see
Are my flaws and insecurities

Is it all in my head
Or did you prove myself right
Is it because of what I said
Or what I did that night

I was so stupid
I was so foolish
I knew I shouldn’t have done it
But couldn’t help and be selfish

All I wanted was to express
And now I’m depressed
Because of the excess
Actions I could’ve accessed

I can be obsessive
But please see my intentions
I was trying to be impressive
But all it caused was tension

This is my flaw, I know
I just wanted to show
All the love that you deserve
But it’s that I couldn’t preserve
 Aug 2019
n stiles carmona
I daren't (rather, shouldn't) breathe:
I'd built a tower of hearts from cards.
The gaps and breaks are real estate --
I'm nestled in the in-betweens.

                                              (Sapp­**'s spirit sighs.
                                              How human to not move quickly enough,
                                              or to yearn for whatever's inches from reach
                                              - blissfully unhinged by "almost".)

She's marble-carved and still as stone:
if I kissed her, would she spring to life?
I'd offer nought but foolish flesh,
this trembling frame, and bone.

                                                          ­  ("Tell me yes, tell me no;
                                                             either way, you're in the right,
                                                          ­   but for the love of Venus -- speak.")
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
i'm just a small boy staring at a dead tree in the rain
looking up
wondering why love won't grow
//on love and her//
 Aug 2019
Sometimes i wonder do you
Remember me like i remember you.
 Aug 2019
Jack Jenkins
I'm in love, I'm in lust, I'm in danger, I'm endangered
I want to take your breath away
And I wanna take my own away too
Did you catch that saying?
I live for love and don't want to live anymore
That's insane

It's a contradiction between contrasted conflicts that pulls my emotions to apathy when I want to care

I'd give everything to give everything again, but I gave it once and have nothing left but memories of when you left, so turn left while I turn right and imagine a world where I make things right by writing it all out

Then I'll run out of words to say that I love you still even when my heart is still and I've moved to the great beyond
Beyond hopes and dreams and heartache and pain
Darling this isn't a game but we played it all the same, & the smile of yours that used to greet me now grieves me

You can't hear my voice read this but you still hear the desperation; I'm depressed and don't know what to do when I only knew of you; it doesn't matter, since this matter will one day turn to dust and ash
//On her and life//
 Aug 2019
He loves me, he loves me not
he don't love me, though he ought
but I don't believe that I deserve
and so I know i've lost the nerve
when you don't think that you are right
you've already lost that fight
though love, it really isn't war
we treat it as such, more and more
love exists in mind, not heart
and that is why we're still apart
If I could make my mind believe
then your love, I would receive
 Jun 2019
Dear Grandfather,
This is my response to your second response to my Thanksgiving card
I put your letter in my drawer
Didn't realize it was the last time I would be able to read all of your handwriting
I'm glad you're enjoying the baseball games
Sorry my college doesn't have a football team
If we did, I'd be in the front row so you could see me on the cameras

Dear Grandfather,
Merry Christmas
I got your letter right before my father picked me up to take me home for break
Crying, it found a home in my backpack
I would ask my mom to make out the words I couldn't understand
I didn't
Realized you were just talking about bingo
Congratulations, sorry about the snowstorms

Dear Grandfather,
Happy Easter,
Please forgive the smeared ink on all of my cards
My eyes are trying not to see what's happening, so they tear up
I could only make out a few words of your letter
I'm glad you remembered my science classes
They gave me a position researching diabetes
The one diagnoses you don't have
I think that if I studied Alzheimer's, I'd forget you are more than a patient
A failed trial
I can't do that to myself

Dear Grandfather
This is my response to your radio silence
If I were there, I would hold your hand
Knowing that touch and smell can jog memories
I envy your ability to read my letters every time as if it were the first
Hope that you can feel me through them
Hope that some days, you remember the first time, the first letter
The sweatshirt you gave me when I was little
I can't find any other way to hold on to you
So I'll make cards for the fourth of July weeks early
I'll write in the cursive that reminds me of you
I'll read your old letters like it's the first time
 Jun 2019
Once you start to feel older,
and become much less bolder.
When life can get you weary
and memories become teary.

If everything seems full of dread and eerie
or after the day you can only see dusk.
If your life feels full of misfortune and dreary.
Stand up and do what you must.

Go out and find a friend you can trust.
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