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I feel I am getting older
Full of aches and pains
My body keeps on telling me
I will never be young again.

I used to be a drinker
I admit I drank too much
But now I'm reaching seventy
I hate the blooming stuff.

Now I am on the Doc spot
Every day I attend the gym
Although I feel I'm losing weight
I will never be nice and slim.

My wife and I walk our dog
We take him out each day
He chews and sniffs at everything
I won't tell you what I say.

Youth they say is a flame that burns
But I feel my flames gone out
Now if you were to see me
Well I'm nothing to shout about.

I wonder how my wife does cope
I'm beginning to repeat my words
And when I try to tell her things
She says I sound absurd.

So I guess I'll have to face the fact
There's no more climbing hills
For me its the downward spiral
So I'll carry on taking the pills.
 Jun 2019
Like many before me
the mirror is my enemy
it shows me things I don't want to be
it shows me a twisted image of reality

It haunts me from within
by planting hoaxes under my skin
burned to my core is the malicious grin
hatched from the depths of my mirror twin
 Jun 2019
Sometimes my thoughts exhaust me
Thinking, can be Crippling
Alwys analyzing different veriation of a possible outcome

Trying to figure out logic
In words spoken
Words thought

Trying to understand
The meaning of reason
Behind a speck
of an idea
Or sometimes a wish not processed

All this in the name of sanity
While deciphering the insanity
In the sanity we enjoy

Sometimes I feel like a memory
Of a person
like I have been lived before
Broken before
Devoured and scattered
In all corners of the Earth
Like am a voyager with a broken compass

Sometimes I feel like am too small
the world is too big
and I, an insignificant being
no relevance to anything that matter

Sometimes I feel like
I should go out and scream
Let go of this attachment called being  human
Cry a little
And die a little
Embrace pain and love
Embrace death and hope
Embrace belief and hate
Embrace nothing and something
 Jun 2019
guy scutellaro
aborted babies in jars.

who might they have become?

perhaps another paul cezanne.
maybe a worker at burger king,
or perhaps the next muhammad ali
heavy weight champion of the world.

could be an axe ******
or worse
a politician or a lawyer.

maybe the next ernest hemingway.

the bitter taste of burnt dreams
lost in a prison of expectation.

screams of  the heart.
 Jun 2019
I never knew success
I heard she was quite the celebrity
I've always wanted to dance

But she never wanted any of me

I can only fantasize
About her lovely lips
I could only dream of a passionate kiss

Success and I
A warm embrace
And staring at her beautiful face

She's just a dream I love to dream
But I've never known her

And I've heard she's the best

But I've never known success
The only girl I've ever known is

 May 2019
most of us are lonely
often our pools are too deep and
no one seem to bother swimming in our depths
perhaps it takes a skilled diver to understand
our inner core.

and because we feel too much
we drown ourselves in the pool of
sorrows, dying in self pity.
 May 2019
Penguin Poems
Got an email from someone I thought I knew
Curious to know what we were up to
Clicked on the link, but it was just a ploy
To hack into my life and use me as a toy.

Broke into the hardware in my head,
Consumed my credit cards, ushered me into debt
Hacked into and manipulated all I felt
Controlled and restricted the hand I was dealt.

Even with my new passwords and new email
The scar of the hacker will never fully heal.
Blamed it on them being the stone cold *****,
But I’m the one who let them hack with a single click.
So I opened a link in an email from someone and my family got hacked so this is that but d e e p lol.
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