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I met the man by chance on that riverside town.

The only one around at the deserted strand
I asked him the shortest way out
after I had my fill of the river.

He told me about the fish market
where the fresh catches arrive every morn
and the place ten minutes farther north
where if I slowed down
could catch the magnificent spectacle
of the orange orb thirstily dipping in the river
and if I stayed back for the night
would surely go insane
when the moon sets the river on silver fire
but if I was really intent on leaving
a half hour's drive would get me the highway.

I was thinking of the amazing mathematical probability
of my traveling over three hours to see the river
and his traveling ten minutes on a bicycle
to fetch his son from school on that riverside town
for our once-a-lifetime meeting on the life's highway
and then having him a permanent visitor in my memory
at sunsets and moonrises over the river.
 Sep 2016
Ma Cherie
Close my eyes
lost amid
drifting  sand
I see a hand
can't understand
time softly
whispering in silence
from the far side of the moon
a gated tunnel
I am haunted,
I am wanted
a ghostly shadow
peering in,
glowing skin
so I,
dream of you

I dream of you

I dream of you
.... again.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Haunted I am...
 Sep 2016
Akira Chinen
But a soft crimson kiss haunting a dream
With vincent blue eyes
Swirling with yellow stars
And bold broad brush strokes of insanity
A blood red moon nailed
above the horizon of an endless ocean
Close enough to touch
Yet too far away to hold
A finger tracing along my spine
As I lay sleepless in an cold bed
A silk lined coffin for my beating heart with a dying pulse
A pill full of dread thoughts
sleeping at the bottom of an empty bottle
Sitting in an abandoned treehouse
lost and buried at sea
A seed planted in my palm
Stiched over my chest
Blooming flowers scented with the  nectar of hope and love
Swimming through the folds of
an eternal night
Locked in robes of Klimts gold
Sinking to the bottom of a dream
Where the cresent moon reflects a kiss
That is haunting me
 Sep 2016
Denel Kessler
Indian pipes rise ghostly
from ancient compost
of needled tears shed
white bells corpse-silent
shunning Light’s vital touch
sleeping instead in symbiotic beds
of gracious hosts, who in turn
kiss the feet of living Giants
lushly burning gilded rays
to fuel their green economy
*Monotropa uniflora*, commonly known as Indian pipe, ghost, or corpse plant, are herbaceous, perennial plants that grow at the base of trees in dense forests with very little sunlight.  They feed off fungi that live symbiotically in the roots of trees.  A tree’s ability to photosynthesize fuels this small triangle community.  

I know – I’m odd.  I find these things fascinating.  If you’ve never seen an Indian pipe, search it.  They are rare and only bloom when conditions are perfectly humid, but when they pop up there is an otherworldliness to them.  I’m on a nostalgic mental tour of the flora and fauna of my childhood home and these came to mind.  
: )
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
Upon the restless sea,
A woven water-proof basket floats,
A baby in its warm interior
Thumb in mouth,
Beautiful eyes fixed to the sky.

Basket floats for days,
Pulls close to shore one night,
And out crawls an infant into the water,
Out wades a little boy,
On the shore trudges a stark naked man,
Dripping with all glory.

Stops he does, and glances back at his basket
Before he morphs into an albatross
And soars into the sky.
What can not be explained.
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
She** limps,
Through the cornfield,
Hand pressed below her abdomen,
The pain makes her grimace.

She drips,
The blood soaking into the fertile soil.
Behind her,
Flowers sprout from each drop.

She limps on,
Leaving a trail of flowers on her wake
Finally, she reaches the road
And disintegrates into dust.
Make a sentence from the bold words.
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
She gasps,
No, a moan
Her hands unconsciously roams,
Ravishing her supple young body.

In the shadows of the room,
Stood her very phantom-
A stark naked god
Whose ****** the nymphs would worship
And watching keenly with silver rimmed eyes, he did.

Offering her ****** images concocted by his immortal mind.
With a gasp, she wakes after a breathtaking ******.
In the dark, only his eyes she could see.
Susceptible and drawn to him, she felt.

But out of his back, wings sprout.
Its heavy beats fluttering the white curtains.
And into the night sky he soared,
Never to return again,
To his human lover
Whose dreams he had only existed

He was anonymous.
A Greek god in love with a mortal maiden whom he could only make love to in her dreams.
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
Unjustly cursed.
A rare beauty envied by immortals.
Solace and refuge she sought,
A curse she was offered.
And confined to the deep darkness of caves,
Where she hid her horror.

Horror inflicted upon her by a ******-abusing god,
and a raging-envious goddess who showed no clemency.
No man dared gaze upon her scary silhouette ever again,
That, the goddess made sure of.
Her face, lest he be turned to stone.

Her never-resting hair of serpents squirming in a crazy frenzy,
Slithers, framing her face.
Her small fangs masked by her once kissable lips.

Her slender waist merged with a slithering repugnant torso,
No man would dare embrace.
If a brave mortal could dare love and embrace her
She might oblige,
if only he was immune to her
stone-death gaze.

She has been refused love and any dauntless lover, refused sight.
Medusa was subjected to horror but yet I bet still beautiful.
A beautiful mythical creature I admire. Dangerous but astounding!
 Sep 2016
Autumn Rose
Come sail with
me, far out into
the rolling
waves of
between the
endless black sea
the shimmering
Further and further...
Drifting away from
we want to be,
we want to be.
Come sail with
me and dream
of blue velvet dreams
under the
moon and stars.
Until we get
carried away
by a Moonlight shadow
as the heart of the sea
breathes us,
We slowly sink in the
haunted remains
of the Universe
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
The foggy morning,
hiding the misty
Distant trail.
By the bush side,
A striped mouse,
Forages for food in the dump.
Unaware of the bulky,
Slithering predator patiently waiting For a careless wander.
An image of a cute little prey and a malevolent pretty predator I saw months back.
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
Whoso tells Wyatt, I know where is an hart,
And as for me, to hope I shall.
The oblivious bidding of my time Does weary me sore.
I'm of them, a rose amidst daisies.
Yet not I knows which ails me more;
To be a rose with a thorn or a thorn with a rose.
Do not deter my hart from pursuit
For his quarry has long sought it.
Unrequited love you fuss?

Anonymity of being in a forest of Daisies I whine.
Flee from you I choose, to draw Hither to him, I seek.
"I pertinent ad meridiem" but to Whom I choose.
In his shadows I tread, Wyatt let thy Fleeting hart be witting.
A reply to Thomas Wyatt.
The quoted words in Latin mean **"I belong to no one"
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
She's just a sham
That imprisons hearts with such a charm
The wide brim of her hat
Veiling the poison of her heart
Dwelling in the sacredness of her pits
Makes men wallow forever in heat
Her canine obliviously invisible
Competing with her compelling principle
A short life she casts
As you sink in your past
Victimized to an end
To live side by side with the dead
Your innards as cold
Like a tombstone of old.
 Sep 2016
Angela Okoduwa
I crawled, I fought and clawed my way,
All I got was dirt in my nails.
Mistaken for the dead is not at all pleasant,
Just like a termite-eaten coffin for a peasant.
The putrid air caused by neighboring stench,
Never will I relent till I quench.
The vain search for clean air
Eludes me in my new lair.
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