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 Nov 2014
Has your heart ever been broken?          
Have you had your chest ripped open?
                Do you know what it's like to collapse,
      To fall to the floor begging why?
   Have you called and texted and written,
Waiting for a nonexistent reply?          
                  When you've watched them back away,
                   Have you reached out, cried out "Stay?"
Has your heart ever been broken,        
      It's unsteady beats left for you as a token?
      Have you ever been like me,      
Waiting to heal, to feel free?
Can you relate?
 Nov 2014
He always had a deep thoughtfulness in his chocolate brown puppy dog eyes
He reacted to everything with this one look where he would squint and his mouth would twist into an asymmetrical skeptical smirk
His straight dark brown hair rested just below his eyebrows and he was always shaking his head slightly to the left to clear his vision
He refused to wear his glasses even though they turned me on so terribly
He color coordinated every outfit like such a pretty little rich boy
He made me feel so insecure yet strive for greatness being the class salutatorian
He was so shy about his guitar maybe because of his brother the famous musical prodigy
He insulted baseball on a regular basis though it was the sport that he loved and played
He slept and never did it was so strange
He proved how much his friends mattered
He came through in everything always
He made me feel like I could not only be something someday but like I was already everything too
Perhaps that's why I made him mine
                                                        my everything.
I miss you terribly, love.
- - -
No punctuation. If it bothers you,
go **** yourself,
because I miss him so much I'm crying.
 Nov 2014
And just like a lightswitch
Im over it. Over you.
 Nov 2014
There are as many ways to love
as there are people in this world,
and just as many ways to say
'I love you';

But there is only one way
to be in love -
only one way
to be true.
 Nov 2014
Her warm lover's embrace,
the place I used to call home.
Time to move to a new house :)
 Nov 2014
For the times I restrained myself
Every inch of this body was yours,
The ocean felt miles from here,
I missed the tides washing me away,
The sails catching the breeze in their arms,
How do you love something and set it free?
Now all I got are graffiti wall spines,
My stomach in noose knots
and Emerald eyes,
When I love you I will be silent,
My actions will be jazz musicians,
And new orleans will be my bed
Rest here beside me,
For I have walked the distance
far too many nights,
My vision is bottle blurred,
And my heart is bleeding
I Love You
 Nov 2014
I was blessed with a smile that could convince you of anything,
But cursed with a tongue that could never make you stay.
oh, how I hate you
 Nov 2014
I just wish you knew
How much you mean to me,
My love, My Murphette.

I just wish you knew
how many hours I spend
Just thinking about you

I just wish you knew
who you are to me
my other half.

I just wish you knew
my past, tortured
and scared am I

I just wish you knew
after the life I have lived
that I still have trust to give

I just wish you knew
That I, your Broken Soldier
will forever fight for you
even when I have to physical need to
She's just on my mind constantly and just constantly worrying me if she really knows how much i care, even though i tell her alot. Is it bad to Be Afraid of losing someone you have only known for so little a time?

— The End —