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 Sep 2015
Ann M Johnson
In the silence I hear him calling
   He's calling me
   In the silence I hear him singing a sweet melody
   through the wind and the rustling of the trees
   In the silence I sense his presence
   In the silence I reach for him
   In the silence I confess to him
   In the silence I cry out to him
   I know he comforts me  
   In the silence he heals me
   In the silence I have peace within

   In the silence I envision him dying
    He died for me and you
   In the silence I know he is living
   He is living for you and me
   In the silence I know he loves me
   In the silence I know that I want to live for him
   Jesus is there in the silence
   He's calling to all of us in the silence
I  found this in an old folder that I wrote about 27 years ago and thought I would share it for the first time now.
 Sep 2015
Robert Blankenship
Why do we grieve the heart of God
With the things that we men do
If God audibly spoke
He might say these words to you

Men talk about intolerance
Yet I still give mercy and grace
Men change the definition of marriage
And slap me in the face

Men bicker and argue and fight
About a waving flag
With all that's still to be done
About enough I've had

Men **** unborn babies
Yet I hardly hear a prayer
But the pleas of the unborn
They rise to me through the air

Men have taken me out of school
No longer there am I allowed within
Men have left me at the door
Of a place where once I had been

This list goes on and on
Men know the things I mean
Why can man not read my word
And from its pages wisdom glean

There is on the horizon a day
When every man will understand
When I come down from heaven
To give justice unto men

So go upon your merry way
Push the truths of God aside
Your guilt is not upon me
For to gain your obedience I tried

I will give unto men more time
I've an abundance of mercy and grace
But know within your heart o man
You will someday see my face

Lowly am I, for I am nothing without Christ.
My life is fleeing, like a fly inside of his house.
I am but a coach roach , for my life is fleeing.
For only he can transform me into something special.
But the Glory is not mine to take but all his my King.
For I am lowly and nothing about me is good.
For I am like a ***** old, fill with my own sin.
But my Savior came and save me from eternal death.
So yes of course I shall brag about being nothing.
Because without the Christ my God I am nothing.
For even the simplest things become hard for me at times.
 Aug 2015
Wendell A Brown
Within us there is a world unseen
Where a young spirit seeks to know
The voice he begins to hear each day
As His passion for life now grows

He will begin to make tough choices
As the voices within become so alive
Leaving him to seriously ponder daily
Which choice might be wrong or right

For everything he attempts each day
Alone with the choices his heart will make
Will deeply affect the life road he chooses
And within his spirit will now be at stake

Inside the voices strive for dominance
Like two hungry wolves over a tasty meal
And with the choices which are made in life
One gives a blessing while the other kills

We must always seek to be very cognizant
Of the choices each day which are made
So when the end time appears in our lives
By the Name of Jesus we are forever saved.
We should become more aware of what might happen because of the choices we make!
Sometimes in life we have to walk alone, but fear not.
Christ is beside even though you can not see him there.
Sometimes Christ separate us from everyone else now.
For he needs to train and teach us certain things here.
For in us , he raising up prince to lead certain people,
For each of us are royalties, our Kingdom is new earth.
For Christ is King and we are Princes and Princesses.
People from another world, we are only passing through.
For we are here to reveal Christ to the masses here.
So that they too can accept him as their Savior as well.
 Aug 2015
Beneath the canopy of stars
I sit and wonder
Dear God
Would you give me a sign
Would you tell me the future
Of distance and time
How will my destiny take a turn
I am scared of the unknown
Can you hear my heartbeat thudding away
It knows not what it wants
And I am afraid of taking a wrong turn
All that I am sure
Is that I am yours
Write me as you wish
For your wish is mine
You know what I dare not bring to voice
Only you could find clarity in the confusion of my self
And the contradiction it presents
I live in your trust alone
And even if I am lost
Nothing is of loss if I have you
You're the source of true Life, and strength to walk.
You're the source, to everything that is good here.
You're the source,  to Love, peace, as well as purpose.
You're the source of Mercy, true Hope, and Healing.
For you are the only door to new life in heaven above.
For there is no other way to eternal life not even an open window.
Only one path shall give you a key to perfect peace as well.
For only you Lord Jesus shall lead us to a perfect life.
One pave with true growth into becoming your disciple.
 Jul 2015
Molly Anna Sartor
I dread this day every year,
and as I search the card isle
I fail to find a card that fits our story.

You see our story isn't one that I am proud of,
as this day is a reminder of what I don't have.
I see the way that you look at me from across the table,
the way you crinkle your brow.
I know I am not who you want me to be.
My life reflects the grace of God that I want you to see,
feel, know, and cherish.

I'm different.
My heart is soft and tears freely flow,
sometimes frustrating me, too.
Apologise, I won't.
The **** is broke,
and all I am left with are memories that haunt my soul.

Today I receive the pain,
the sadness that you bring to me.
I soak it in and choose to feel it,
to breathe it in, and acknowledge it.
Today I will cry,
but I will also hold on to the fact that I'm adopted,
by a God who satisfies my heart.
Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me. -Psalm 27:10
 Jul 2015
Will Moore
Reading Psalms

God totally surrounds
The whole of heart
And sweet sister soul.
All are embraced in the song:
Our joys, hopes, anger, vengeance,
Our strike against the goad
Of the load of messy life.
Earthquakes, wars, and salt tears,
God is placing them all here.
The ground base of all.

It shifts.
And our perceptions
Move with it.
Mountains crumble and the Temple shakes.
There’s no escape
From God’s love.
It is trust itself,
Like the palm fronds waving
While the spruce branch shadows
Dance on the wall of this room.
God is present here
In his Word.
While reading
 Jul 2015
WendyStarry Eyes
Why in our hearts do we believe
Our prayers are too
Complicated for God to conceive
Something in our minds
tells us we don't deserve
Or cannot believe
It is satan's job to persecute
The promises of God
Try hard not to give into his madness
Believe in Our Father
Rise above
Confusion is satan's best friend
With confusion he leads us
Into the land of sin
Prayer and faith will guide
Man through
If we sincerely believe
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